University of Florida
Ulam Colloquium 2001

Persi Diaconis
Photo by Michael C. Weimer/
Special to Sun

Persi Diaconis (Stanford)

On Coincidences

Room: University Auditorium
Date: March 12, 2001
Time: 4:00-5:00 p.m.

Cookies and Coffee: at 3:30 in Little Hall 339 (The Atrium)
Introductory Remarks by Winfred Phillips
President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School
Coincidences amaze us. They can affect where we live and whom we live with. I will review early work by Jung and Freud. Sometimes, a bit of quantitative thinking will show that things are not so surprising after all.

Persi Diaconis studied violin at Juilliard and magic with Dai Vernon, who has been called the greatest magician in the US. Then he took a degree in mathematics at College of the City of New York and doctorate in statistics at Harvard. He is Mary Sunseri Professor of Statistics and Professor of Mathematics at Stanford University. He has held visiting positions at AT&T Bell Labs, Harvard, MIT, and Cornell. He was a recipient of a MacArthur Grant. For more information, see the condensed version of the entry from Mathematical People, edited by Albers and Alexanderson, 1985.
April 2001 CLASnotes on Diaconis Lecture

Statistics Department Seminar * Invited Address for the Seminar on Stochastic Processes 2001
Ulam Colloquium * University of Florida * Mathematics * Contact Info
Article about the talk in the Gainesville Sun

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