University of Florida, Mathematics Department
Eleventh Ulam Colloquium
R. Daniel Mauldin*
Regents Professor, University of North Texas
Reflections on Stan Ulam:
The Person and his Mathematical Problems

Date and Time: 4:30 - 5:30pm, Sunday, March 8, 2009
Room: TBA
Refreshments: 4:05 pm in LIT 339




              Mauldin PIC

Abstract: I will recall some of my experiences and impressions of Stan Ulam. I will discuss a few of his mathematical problems beginning with some appearing in the Scottish Book. Some of these are still unsolved today.

 * R. Daniel Mauldin is Regents Professor at the University of North Texas. He is a member of the editorial boards of Advances in Mathematics and Real Analysis Exchange. He adminsters the Beal Conjecture and Prize. His recent book Graph Directed Markov Systems: Geometry and Dynamics of Limit Sets was published by Cambridge University Press.

Ulam Colloquium * University of Florida * Mathematics * Contact Info

Last update made Sat Feb 28 23:04:30 EST 2009.