Saturday 11th Dec 1976 Maude, NSW KCTMMT, Soes and Weeds, Sorry about not writing sooner. We arrive at Pat's sisters place at Glenbrook late on Thursday night. Next day we struck some pretty bad westerlies. The wind was so bad that it prettun' near stopped us at the bottom of Victoria Pass. We intended to go to Bathurst but only got as far as Lithgow. A few miles out of Lithgow Jim was bloody bu****ed. He lay beside the road next to his bike. A truckie stopped, in pity, gave him a can of Carlton and a lift to Bathurst. Chris, Pat and I camped in the Council Caravan Park in Lithgow and met this bonza labor supporter ex-liberal bloke who made us a cup of tea. Next day Chris decided to catch the train to Bathhurst. Meanwhile Pat and I stuggled into headwinds and reached Bathurst in the early afternoon. We stayed on a farm (some friend of Pats) ten miles outside of Bathurst. After resting the afternoon in Bathurst we had a good ride the next day to Cowra arriving completely bu****ed. In the morning we rode to Grenfell. In this part of the state it is virtually impossible to do anything from 1 till 4 -- so bloody hot. At at 4, we hit the road for Caragabal -- a one pub town. Next day we bu****ed onto West Wyalong where we spent two days rest being completely bu****ed. After this good rest we managed to get to Goolgowie. The ride from Goolgowie to Hay was 70 miles of flat deserted scrub. That night Pat and Chris went onto Maude where Jim and I caught up the next day. Tomorrow we hope to get to Robinvale (Victoria) after going through Balranald. We'll probably get to Adelaide in a week's time and I might ring you then, love Frank