HOMEWORK 2: * This homework assignment is due Friday, May 29. POLICY: Homework solutions should be written up in a proper and coherent fashion. It is OK to discuss homework with other students or dr.G. Please achknowledge any help received. (1) [BONUS 20 pts] [#4 p.23] Assume w2/w1 is not real. Suppose f has periods w1, w2 and f is even. Let Omega=Omega(w1,w2). Prove that f is a rational function of the Weiestrass p-function p(z)=p(z,Omega). HINTS: (i) Suppose the poles of f are contained in Omega. Prove that f can be written as a polynomial in p(z): f(z) = a[0] + a[1]p(z) + ... a[n] (p(z))^n where the a[i] in C. (ii) In general show that for some polynomial P(x) g(z) = f(z) P( p(z) ) and the poles of g(z) are contained in Omega. NOTE: Here p(z) is the Weierstrass p-function p(z)=p(z,Omega). (2) [10 pts] [# 5 p.23] [HINT: f(z) = (f(z)+f(-z))/2 + (f(z)-f(-z))/2] (3) [BONUS 10 pts] [#6 p.23] (4) [10 pts] [#9 p.24] [HINT: Theorem 1.14 is useful] (5) [BONUS 10 pts] [#10 p.24] [HINT: Consider f'(z)/f(z)] (6) [10 pts] [#11 p.24] (7) [10 pts] [#12 p.24] (8) [10 pts] [#13 p.24]