HOMEWORK 5: * This homework assignment is due Friday, June 19. POLICY: Homework solutions should be written up in a proper and coherent fashion. It is OK to discuss homework with other students or dr.G. Please achknowledge any help received. (1) [COMPUTER] [4x5 BONUS pts] Find the prime factorization of the integers a[1], a[2], ..., a[p^2] in Theorem 4.11 (where p=3, 5, 7, 13). Include MAPLE (or other) CODE and OUTPUT. (2) [BONUS 10 pts] [#3, p.92] (3) [BONUS 10 pts] [#4, p.92] (4) [10 pts] [#5, p.92] HINT: Show that G(tau) = F[p](tau)/Delta(tau) is modular and has no poles on H and no pole at ioo (infinity). Then use Problem (4) in HW 3. (5) [10 pts] Let p be prime. Using #4,5 p.92 show that tau(pn) = tau(p) tau(n) if (n,p)=1, and tau(pn) = tau(p) tau(n) - p^(11) tau(n/p) if (n,p)>1. (6) [10 pts] [#8, p.140] (7) [10 pts] [#9, p.140] (8) [10 pts] [#10, p.140]