HELP On-line documentation. HELP, by itself, lists all primary help topics. Each primary topic corresponds to a directory name on MATLABPATH. "HELP topic" gives help on the specified topic. The topic can be a command name or a directory name. If it is a command name, HELP displays information on that command. If it is a directory name, HELP displays the Table-Of-Contents for the specified directory. It is not necessary to give the full pathname of the directory; the last component, or last several components, are sufficient. For example, "help general" and "help matlab/general" both list the Table-Of-Contents for the directory toolbox/matlab/general. LOOKFOR XYZ looks for the string XYZ in the first comment line of the HELP text in all M-files found on MATLABPATH. For all files in which a match occurs, LOOKFOR displays the matching lines. MORE ON causes HELP to pause between screenfuls if the help text runs to several screens. See also LOOKFOR, WHAT, WHICH, DIR, MORE.