SAVE Save workspace variables on disk. SAVE fname saves all workspace variables to the binary "MAT-file" named fname.mat. The data may be retrieved with LOAD. Omitting the filename causes SAVE to use the default filename "matlab.mat". SAVE fname X saves only X. SAVE fname X Y Z saves X, Y, and Z. SAVE fname X Y Z -ascii uses 8-digit ASCII form instead of binary. SAVE fname X Y Z -ascii -double uses 16-digit ASCII form. SAVE fname X Y Z -ascii -double -tabs delimits with tabs. If fname is "stdio", SAVE sends the data to standard output. The binary formats used in MAT-files depend upon the size and type of each matrix. Small matrices and matrices with any noninteger entries are saved in floating point format requiring 8 bytes per real element. Large, integer matrices may be saved in compact formats requiring only 1, 2 or 4 bytes per element. See the External Interface Library for more details, including C and Fortran routines to read and write MAT-files from external programs. See also LOAD, DIARY, FWRITE, FPRINTF, IMWRITE.