Number Theory Seminar

DATE: Tuesday, September 20 (2011), at 1:55pm  
SPEAKER: Frank Garvan
TITLE: Combinatorial Interpretations of Congruences for the SPT-Function - Part 2

Let spt(n) denote to total number of smallest parts in the partitions of n. Andrews (2008) proved that

spt(5n + 4) = 0 (mod 5)
spt(7n + 5) = 0 (mod 7)
spt(13n + 6) = 0 (mod 13)
Last week, in Part 1, we gave a vector-partition type crank which refines the congruences mod 5 and 7. Let NS(m,n) denote the number of vector partitions of n in the set S counted with the weight ω1. In Part 2, we prove that all the spt-crank coefficients NS(m,n) are nonnegative. The proof uses several identities from the theory of basic hypergeometric series. This is joint work with George Andrews and Jie Liang.

Jie Liang (UCF) is an undergraduate student, who worked on a research project on this topic with Frank Garvan here at University of Florida during the Summer 2011.

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