It is not so easy to write ballads descriptive of the bushland of Australia
as on light consideration would appear. Reasonably good verse
on the subject has been supplied in sufficient quantity.
But the maker of folksongs for our newborn nation requires
a somewhat rare combination of gifts and experiences.
Dowered with the poet's heart, he must yet have passed his `wander-jaehre'
amid the stern solitude of the Austral waste -- must have ridden the race
in the back-block township, guided the reckless stock-horse
adown the mountain spur, and followed the night-long moving,
spectral-seeming herd `in the droving days'. Amid such scarce
congenial surroundings comes oft that finer sense which renders visible
bright gleams of humour, pathos, and romance, which,
like undiscovered gold, await the fortunate adventurer.
That the author has touched this treasure-trove, not less delicately
than distinctly, no true Australian will deny. In my opinion
this collection comprises the best bush ballads written
since the death of Lindsay Gordon.
Rolf Boldrewood
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Created by F.G. Garvan
( on
Friday, January 28, 2000.
Last update made .