March 12 - 16, 2008
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611


Location. All talks are in The Atrium (3rd Floor of Little Hall, Room 339) except the Thursday Parallel Session which is in Little Hall, Room 125.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

8:00 - 12:00 pm
Registration in Little Hall, Room 358, Reception Area

8:00 - 8:45am
Breakfast in The Math Dept Atrium

8:45 - 9:00am
Opening of the Conference and Announcements

9:00am - 9:50am
Herbert Wilf, University of Pennsylvania
Towards a `global' theory of integer partitions

10:00am - 10:20am

10:20am - 10:40am
Cilanne Boulet, Cornell University
Symmetries of k-marked Durfee symbols

10:50am - 11:10am
Michael Schlosser, Vienna University
A hypergeometric derivation of the principal specialization formula for Macdonald polynomials

11:20am - 11:40am
Andrew Sills, Georgia Southern University
A Partition Bijection Relating the Rogers-Selberg identities to a Special Case of Gordon's Theorem

11:50am - 12:10pm
Sergei Suslov, Arizona State University
On a problem of Landau and Feynman

12:20pm - 2:10pm

2:10pm - 3:00pm
Bruce C. Berndt, University of Illinois
Ramanujan's series for 1/pi

3:10pm - 3:30pm

3:30pm - 3:50pm
Hershel Farkas, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Generalizations of Hutchinson's Curve and the Thomae Formula

4:00pm - 4:20pm
Sun Kim, University of Illinois
A generalization of the Farkas and Kra partition theorem.

4:30pm - 4:50pm
Byungchan Kim, University of Illinois
Combinatorial proofs of certain indentities invoving partial theta functions

5:00pm - 5:20pm
Zhu Cao, University of Illinois
Product Identities for Theta Functions

Conference Reception 7:00 - 9:30pm at the Keene Faculty Center

Thursday, March 13, 2008

9:00am - 9:50am
George Andrews, Pennsylvania State University
Symmetry in q-Series

10:00am - 10:20am

10:20am - 10:40am
Carla Savage, North Carolina State University
An Euler Theorem for a Family of Compositions Constrained by the Ratio of Consecutive Parts

10:50am - 11:10am
Ae Ja Yee, Pennsylvannia State University
Combinatorics of q-Euler numbers

11:20am - 11:40am
Tim Huber, Iowa State University
q-Tangent Numbers from Ramanujan's Lost Notebook

11:50am - 12:10pm
Jianqiang Zhao, Eckerd College
Higher Cyclotomy Theory

12:20pm - 2:10pm

2:10pm - 3:00pm
Peter Paule, RISC, J. Kepler University Linz
Plane partitions: MacMahon's dream has came true.

3:10pm - 3:30pm

NOTE: Late Thursday Afternoon Talks are in Two Parallel Sessions in Rooms 339 and 125.

3:30pm - 3:50pm (Room: LIT 339)
Olivier Mallet, Université Paris 7
n-Color overpartitions, lattice paths, and multiple basic hypergeometric series

3:30pm - 3:50pm (Room: LIT 125)
Heekyoung Hahn, SUNY, Albany
Integrable systems and modular forms of level 2

4:00pm - 4:20pm (Room: LIT 339)
Élie Mosaki, University of Lyon I
On the arithmetical nature of a q-analog of the Riemann zeta function at odd integers

4:00pm - 4:20pm (Room: LIT 125)
James McLaughlin, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Lifting Bailey Pairs to WP-Bailey Pairs

4:30pm - 4:50pm (Room: LIT 339)
Frédéric Jouhet, University of Lyon I
Some arithmetical applications of a general formula of q-series

4:30pm - 4:50pm (Room: LIT 125)
Chadwick Gugg, University of Illinois
Two Identities for Squares of the Rogers-Ramanujan Functions and Applications

5:00pm - 5:20pm (Room: LIT 339)
Sung-Geun Lim, University of Illinois
Transformation formulas of non-analytic Eisenstein series and infinite series identities.

5:00pm - 5:20pm (Room: LIT 125)
Michael Somos, Georgetown University
Multisection of q-series

Friday, March 14, 2008

9:00am - 9:50am
Ken Ono, University of Wisconsin
Dyson's challenge for the future: Ramanujan's mock theta functions

10:00am - 10:20am

10:20am - 10:40am
Karl Mahlburg, MIT
Asymptotics for partitions without sequences

10:50am - 11:10am
Hamza Yesilyurt, Bilkent University, Turkey
Equalities and inequalities for 7-cores

11:20am - 11:40am
Alex Berkovich, University of Florida
Nonsymmetrical extension of the Boulet-Pak rank identities

11:50am - 12:10pm
Jiang Zeng, University of Lyon I
Euler's q-difference table for Cl£ Sn

12:20pm - 2:10pm

The Friday Afternoon Session is in Memory Of Richard P. Lewis

2:10pm - 3:00pm
Frank Garvan, University of Florida
The Rank and Crank of Partitions - In Memory of Richard P. Lewis

3:10pm - 3:30pm

3:30pm - 3:50pm
Basil Gordon, University of California - Los Angeles
Arithmetic of the Rogers-Ramanujan coefficients
(Basil Gordon's talk will be delivered by Richard McIntosh)

4:00pm - 4:20pm
Richard McIntosh, University of Regina, Canada
Some new relations involving a universal mock theta function

4:30pm - 4:50pm
Robert Osburn, University College Dublin
M2-rank differences for partitions without repeated odd parts

5:00pm - 5:20pm
Youn-Seo Choi, KIAS, Korea
Identities for the fifth order mock theta functions and their generalization

Conference Banquet 7:00 - 10:00pm in The Friends of the Music Room

Saturday, March 15, 2008

9:00am - 9:50am
Ken Ono, University of Wisconsin
Harmonic Maass forms and modular forms: Leveraging

10:00am - 10:20am

10:20am - 10:40am
Amanda Folsom, University of Wisconsin
The spt-function of Andrews

10:50am - 11:10am
Kathrin Bringmann, University of Minnesota
Marked Durfee symbols and quasimock theta functions

11:20am - 11:40am
Mourad E.H. Ismail, University of Central Florida
Addition Theorems Via Continued Fractions

11:50am - 12:10pm
Dennis Stanton, University of Minnesota
t-analogues of q-analogues

12:20pm - 2:10pm

2:10pm - 3:00pm
Sander Zwegers, University College Dublin
Mock Modular Forms

3:10pm - 3:30pm

3:30pm - 3:50pm
Scott Ahlgren , University of Illinois
Vanishing of modular forms at infinity

4:00pm - 4:20pm
Matthew Boylan , University of South Carolina
Integer weight mock theta analogues

4:30pm - 4:50pm
Sharon Garthwaite, Bucknell University
Weakly Holormorphic Modular Forms Arising from Theta Series

5:00pm - 5:20pm
Soon-Yi Kang, Pohang University of Science and Technology
Generalizations of the Rogers-Fine identity and their applications

Sunday, March 16, 2008

9:00am - 9:50am
Ken Ono, University of Wisconsin
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, Heegner Points, and Maass forms

10:00am - 10:20am

10:20am - 10:40am
Pavel Guerzhoy, University of Hawaii
On weak Maass--modular grids of even integer weights

10:50am - 11:40am
Ole Warnaar, University of Melbourne
Macdonald polynomials and basic hypergeometric series

11:50am - 12:10pm
Stephen Milne, The Ohio State University
A nonterminating q-Dougall summation theorem for hypergeometric series in U(n)

12:20pm - 2:10pm

2:10pm - 2:30pm
Masahiko Ito, Aoyama Gakuin University
On the Sears--Slater basic hypergeometric transformations

2:40pm - 3:00pm
Yasushi Kajihara, Osaka University
On bilinear transformation formulas for basic hypergeometric series and multivariate generalization.

3:10pm - 3:30pm
Srinivasa Raghava, Annamalai University
New Relations Between q-Series, Eulerian Forms & Theta Functions

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Created by F.G. Garvan ( on Thursday, March 06, 2008.
Last update made Sun Mar 9 20:34:56 EDT 2008.