The Indian Genius Srinivasa Ramanujan - A Glimpse of his Magical Mathematical FormulaeLecture by Krishnaswami Alladi (University of Florida)ABSTRACT: Srinivasa Ramanujan, a genius from Southern India, startled mathematicians at Cambridge University at the beginning of the twentieth century by communicating several incredibly beautiful and deep formulae in a series of letters. There is a story that the Hindu Goddess Namagiri used to come in Ramanujan's dreams and present him some of these formulae. Ramanujan discovered spectacular results which revealed unexpected connections between several areas of number theory and analysis. This talk will begin with a brief account of the incredible life story of Ramanujan. Then some examples of his outrageous formulae will be presented. Topics covered will include a selection from - Eulerian summation, analytic continuation of the Riemann zeta function, Rogers-Ramanujan identities and continued fraction, partition congruences, Hardy-Ramanujan aymptotic series for partitions, and mock theta functions, indicating the impact of his work during the last century and its influence on current research.
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