URL:https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/qantas-a380-nosedives-over-pacific-due-to-wake-turbulence-20180614-p4zldt.html Qantas A380 nosedives over Pacific due to wake turbulence 14 June 2018 — 11:15am Qantas says one of its A380 aircraft had a brief dive above the Pacific Ocean because of turbulence from another A380 this week. The two Qantas jets were about 20 nautical miles apart in distance and 1000 feet in altitude when QF94, flying from Los Angeles to Melbourne, was affected, the airline said in a statement on Thursday. Australian television and radio host Eddie McGuire, who was on the flight, said the plane "jumped up and down for about 10 seconds" and that "somebody described it as the feeling of going over the top of a roller-coaster." "Unexpected turbulence is why we always recommend passengers keep their seat belt firmly fastened at all times just as pilots do in the flight deck," Qantas Fleet Safety Captain Debbie Slade said in the statement. The Australian newspaper cited a passenger who described a 10-second "freefall nosedive" about two hours into the flight that left Los Angeles late on Sunday. "The lady sitting next to me and I screamed and held hands and just waited," the newspaper cited passenger Janelle Wilson as saying. "It was terrifying." The other jet , QF12, flying from Los Angeles to Sydney took off two before QF94, The Australian reported. Bloomberg