Download the file
  • uprog (maple program, 62322 bytes)
Further Instructions:

  • In your home directory create a maple directory:
    mkdir maple
  • In your home directory we create a file called .mapleinit which will contain two lines. Type the following unix commands in your home directory:
      touch .mapleinit
      echo "mylib := $HOME/maple:"  >> .mapleinit
      echo "libname := mylib, libname:"  >> .mapleinit
    Your .mapleinit should look something like this.
  • Now start maple and read in the uprog file:
       maple < uprog
  • Now restart maple
    The maple prompt is the greater-than sign. After the prompt type the command with(qseries): You should see something like this.
    HERE is an example using the qseries package.
  • For instructions on using the qseries package see the tutorial.

The url of this page is http://qseries.org/fgarvan/qmaple/1.1/maple10/unix/index.html.
Created by F.G. Garvan (fgarvan@ufl.edu) on Wednesday, May 05, 2010.
Last update made Thu Jun 17 21:52:58 EDT 2010.

MAIL fgarvan@ufl.edu