FUNCTION :  qseries[changes] - print out list of recent changes to
                               qseries package


PARAMETERS :      none


 changes() prints out a list of changes in previous versions
 of the qseries package.

> with(qseries):
> changes(); 
`*  qseries package version 1.1 - Mon Jul 16 15:24:26 EDT 2012`
`*  This version tested on Maple 10, 11, 12, and 13`
`*  Changes since version 1.0`
`*      *  Added new function qdegree`
`*         qdegree(QS) returns degree in q.`
`*      *  Added new function findcong`
`          This function finds congruences c(A*n+B) == 0 mod C`
`          for a give qseries f=add(c(n)*q^n).`
`*      *  Added new function qs2jaccombo`
`          This function converts a sum of q-series to a sum`
`          of jacprods if possible. `
`*      *  Local vars added to procs where necessary`
`*      *  jacprodmake now takes 3 or 4 args`
`*         jacprodmake(f,q,T) works as before.`
`*         jacprodmake(f,q,T,P) returns a jacprod (if it exists) on`
`          base q^b where b is a divisor of P. ERROR is returned `
`          if f is not a jacprod.`
`          This new version also handles the case where the coeff `
`          of q^0 is not 1.`
`          PLEASE report any bugs.`
`*      *  New hidden function periodfind2 added. `
`          This is used by jacprodmake to find period assuming it`
`          is a divisor of a given integer.`
`*      *  New hidden function jacmake now takes 2 or 3 args.`
`*         It is used by jacprodmake.`
`*      *  Added instructions for windows installation`
`*         Tested with Maple 11`
`*      *  Corrected email and homepage listed below`
`*         New email:`
`*         New homepage:`
`*  Changes since version 0.9`
`*      *  Updated packageversion with new email address and homepage.`
`*      *  qbin accepts q=root of unity etc (Suggested by Michael Somos)`
`*      *  Added function findlincombomodp`
`*      *  Fixed bug in findlincombo`
`*      *  Local username changed from frank to fgarvan`
`*         New email:`
`*         New homepage:`
`*      *  Corrected typo in online help for findlincombo`
`*  Changes since version 0.8`
`*      *  Added online FUNCTIONS page:`
`*      *  Added gooo to global list in findhomcombo`
`*      *  Added new function findlincombo`
`*      *  Fixed bugs in findhomcombo and modp version`
`*         There was unnecessary etamake comp when etaopt=no`
`*      *  updated prodmake so it can have symbolic exponents`
`*         Used series instead of taylor`
`*      *  new function findhomcombomodp`
`*         This is a modp version of  findhomcombo`
`*         Useage: findhomcombomodp(f,L,p,q,n,topshift,etaoption))`
`*      *  Fixed a bug in findhomcombo when nops(L)=1`
`*      *  Fixed bug in findpoly `
`*      *  In qetamake change E(q) to _E(q) `
`*      *  Fixed minor bug in sift `
`*  Changes since version 0.7`
`*      *  changed name of function version to packageversion`
`*         since version is maple builtin function`
`*         Useage: packageversion()`
`*      *  new function findhommodp`
`*         This is a modp version of  findhom`
`*         Useage: findhommodp(L,p,q,n,topshift)`
`*      *  new function mprodmake`
`*         Finds product expansion (1+q^n1)*(1+q^n2)*...`
`*         Useage: mprodmake(f,q,last)`
`*      *  fixed bug in qetamake         `
`*  Changes since version 0.6 (Nov 2002):`
`*      *  new function qetamake          `
`*         This is just a variant of etamake which returns E(q^m)`
`*         instead of eta(m*tau).`
`*      *  fixed bug in jac2series        `
`*  Changes since version 0.5:`
`*      *  new function zqfactor          `
`*         Takes 4 or 5 args: `
`*         zqfactor(F,z,q,N,buglim) `
`*         zqfactor(F,z,q,N) `
`*            factors F into a product of terms `
`*            of the form (1 - a[i,j] z^i q^j).`
`*            Factor F into a product of terms (1 - a[i,j] z^i q^j)`
`*            N = largest j `
`*            buglim = max number of terms (default is 1000).`
`*  Changes since version 0.4:`
`*      *  prodmake now takes 3 or 4 args.`
`*         prodmake(f,q,t) returns a q-product.`
`*         prodmake(f,q,t,list) returns a q-product as a list of exponents.`
`*      *  new function changes() - returns changes since previous release.`
`*  Please report any problems to`
`*  See `
`* `
`*  for documentation and help.`
> quit