FUNCTION :  qseries[mprodmake] - Convert a q-series into an infinite product      
                                 of the form (1+q^n1)*(1+q^n2)*...
CALLING SEQUENCE :  mprodmake(f,q,T)
PARAMETERS :   f    - q-series
               T  - positive integers 
 mprodmake(f,q,T) converts the q-series f into an infinite product          
 of the form (1+q^n1)*(1+q^n2)*...
 that agrees with f to O(q ).  
> with(qseries);
> EP:=etaq(q,2,100)^2/etaq(q,4,100)/etaq(q,1,100):
> mprodmake(EP,q,17);
                 3        5        7        9        11        13        15        17
   (1 + q) (1 + q ) (1 + q ) (1 + q ) (1 + q ) (1 + q  ) (1 + q  ) (1 + q  ) (1 + q  )

SEE ALSO: prodmake