First download the compressed tar file qseries.tar.gz (only 8K)

Save this file in source format in your home directory.

Move your mouse into a local shell window. Type the following commands after the unix prompt :

 gunzip qseries.tar.gz 

 tar -xvf qseries.tar  

Now you should have three new files:
    qseries.tar (32K)          setup (6K)           umprog (24K)
You can delete the tar-file qseries.tar if you wish. You can delete the csh program setup if you wish, since this is only used in the default and custom setups.

STEP 4. You will need a directory in which the package will be installed. Use mkdir to create one if you dont have such a directory. For example, type (after the unix prompt)

   mkdir maple
   cd maple
   mkdir mylib 
This creates the directory maple/mylib.

STEP 5. You will need to know the name of your home directory. Type

   echo $HOME
This should return the name of your home directory. Alternatively you can do
For example, on my machine I get
blue-tongue:790% echo $HOME
/home/fac29/frank is the name of my home directory.

STEP 6. You will need to edit the file umprog. All you have to do is append one line to this file. This extra line will look like

where LIBNAME is the full path name of the directory you created in STEP 4. Be sure to use only left quotes. For example, when I installed the package the full pathname I used was /home/fac29/frank/maple/mylib Here /home/fac29/frank is the name of my home directory and maple/mylib is the name of the directory where the file qseries.m was be installed. So when I installed the package I appended the line
to the file umprog. Remember to use only left-quotes (`).

STEP 7. Start a Maple session and after the maple prompt type:

>   read umprog;
The maple program umprog should run ok (hopefully). When the program has finished quit Maple.

STEP 8. You will need to edit your .mapleinit file which should be in your home directory. If it does not exist you will need to create it. You will have to add a line of the following shape:

  libname := libname, `LIBDIR`:
where LIBDIR is the full path name of the directory in which the file qseries.m was installed. For example, I added the following line to my .mapleinit file.
  libname := libname, `/home/fac29/frank/maple/mylib`:
Remember to use only left-quotes (`).

Now start a maple session. At the Maple prompt type

> with(qseries);

Do you get the following?
  [aqprod, etamake, etaq, findhom, findhomcombo, findnonhom, findnonhomcombo,

      findpoly, jac2prod, jac2series, jacprod, jacprodmake, prodmake, qbin,

      quinprod, sift, theta, theta2, theta3, theta4, tripleprod, winquist]
If so, then the package loaded successfully.

STEP 10.
Read the documentation (well at least some of it):

Please report any bugs/problems to me.

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Created by F.G. Garvan ( on Tue, Nov 18, 97
Last update made Tue Nov 18 14:42:10 EST 1997.