Maple ramarobinsids Package (Version 0.2) - Installation Instructions

These instructions are for Windows (64 bit) and Maple 2017. If you are using a different version of Maple just change "2017" to whatever.
  • STEP 1
    Create a Homelib directory for your maple lib (dotm) files.
    My directory is called mylib and is located here:
    This is what I did to create it:
    • Open command line (MSDOS)
    •  cd c:\cygwin64\home\Owner\maple 
    •  mkdir mylib
    You should now have a new directory called mylib.
  • STEP 2
    Set up a maple.ini file. This file should be created in the directory:
    C:\Program Files\Maple 2017\Users
    and it should contain two lines of code resembling something like:
    libname := libname, Homelib:
    The value of Homelib should correspond to your Homelib. One way to do this is to use the following Maple worksheet. Now you should have a file maple.ini containing two lines of code.
  • STEP 3
    Download the file This file contains MAPLE code for setting up and saving the package. Save this file in a place where you keep your MAPLE programs. I saved it in a special directory:
    This program saves the ramarobinsids package in the mylib directory. If you want to save it in a different place you will need to edit the file.
  • STEP 4
    Install the ramarobinsids package. Start MAPLE and do something like the following.
    > libname;
     "C:\Program Files\Maple 2017\lib", ".", "C:\cygwin64\home\Owner\maple\mylib"
    > currentdir("C:\\cygwin64\\home\\Owner\\maple\\mypackages\\ramarobinsids\\w-setup");
    > currentdir();
    > read "wprog-ramarobinsids-07-18-2018-HOMEPC.txt":   
    You will need to change "C:....w-setup" to the appropriate place.
    This program saves package as a file ramarobinsids.mla in the mylib dir. ALTERNATIVELY execute the commands the MW worksheet below:
  • STEP 5
    Exit MAPLE and restart it to test the package:
    >  with(qseries):
    >  with(thetaids):
    >  with(ramarobinsids);
    [CHECKRAMIDF, Eeta, Geta, GetaB, GetaEXP, GetaL, GetaLB, GetaLEXP, MGeta,
        MGetaL, findtype1, findtype10, findtype2, findtype3, findtype4, findtype5,
        findtype6, findtype7, findtype8, findtype9, latexeta, latexetaquot, latexpm,
        latexprinttype1, latexprinttype10, latexprinttype2, latexprinttype3,
        latexprinttype4, latexprinttype5, latexprinttype6, latexprinttype7,
        latexprinttype8, latexprinttype9, latexprinttypeL1, latexprinttypeL10,
        latexprinttypeL2, latexprinttypeL3, latexprinttypeL4, latexprinttypeL5,
        latexprinttypeL6, latexprinttypeL7, latexprinttypeL8, latexprinttypeL9,
        printtype1, printtype10, printtype2, printtype3, printtype4, printtype5,
        printtype6, printtype7, printtype8, printtype9, printtypelist, qnr, qr,
        ramarobinsidschanges, ramarobinsidspversion]
    >  xprint:=false: proveit:=true:
    >  G:=j->1/GetaL(qr(5),5,j):H:=j->1/GetaL(qnr(5),5,j):
    >  GM:=j->1/MGetaL(qr(5),5,j): HM:=j->1/MGetaL(qnr(5),5,j):
    >  GE:=j->-GetaLEXP(qr(5),5,j):HE:=j->-GetaLEXP(qnr(5),5,j):
    >  G(1),H(1);
                      JAC(0, 5, infinity)     q   JAC(0, 5, infinity)
                   -------------------------, -----------------------
                    1/60                        JAC(2, 5, infinity)
                   q     JAC(1, 5, infinity)
    >  jac2eprod(G(1)),jac2eprod(H(1));
                                     1           1
                                 ----------, ----------
                                 GETA(5, 1)  GETA(5, 2)
    >  myramatype1:=findtype1(12);
    *** There were NO errors.  Each term was modular function on
        Gamma1(30). Also -mintotord=8. To prove the identity
        we need to  check up to O(q^(10)).
        To be on the safe side we check up to O(q^(68)).
    *** The identity below is PROVED!
    [6, 1, -1]
                                                eta(6 tau) eta(tau)
                   _G(6) _H(1) - _G(1) _H(6) = ---------------------
                                               eta(3 tau) eta(2 tau)
    "n=", 10
    *** There were NO errors.  Each term was modular function on
        Gamma1(55). Also -mintotord=40. To prove the identity
        we need to  check up to O(q^(42)).
        To be on the safe side we check up to O(q^(150)).
    *** The identity below is PROVED!
    [11, 1, -1]
                            _G(11) _H(1) - _G(1) _H(11) = 1
                        myramatype1 := [[6, 1, -1], [11, 1, -1]]
    >  PROVEDFL1;
                       [[6, 1, -1, 30, -8], [11, 1, -1, 55, -40]]
    >  latexprinttypeL1(PROVEDFL1,RR51,"TESTRR5TYPE1.txt");
    >  printtypelist(printtype1,PROVEDFL1, 3,1);
                              eta(6 tau) eta(tau)
     G(6) H(1) - G(1) H(6) = ---------------------, Gamma[1](30), -B = 8,     (3.1)
                             eta(3 tau) eta(2 tau)
             G(11) H(1) - G(1) H(11) = 1, Gamma[1](55), -B = 40,     (3.2)
    Do you get this? See

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Created by F.G. Garvan ( on Friday, August 12, 2016.
Last update made Fri Aug 12 10:55:13 PDT 2016.