Maple tcore Package (Version 0.2) - Installation Instructions - UNDER CONSTRUCTION

These instructions are for Windows (64 bit) and Maple 2023. It should work on earlier versions of Maple. If you are using a different version of Maple just change "2023" to whatever.


It is assumed that you have setup your maple initialization file maple.ini that contains the variable Homelib.
The value of Homelib is the location of you personal maple lib directory which contains maple packages such as qseries etc.

If this has NOT been done please go to

and follow the directions. For more information about the MAPLE initialization maple.ini see


  • STEP 1
    Download the file This file contains MAPLE code for setting up and saving the package. Save this file in a place where you keep your MAPLE programs. I saved it in a special directory:
    This program saves the tcore package in the lib directory specified by Homelib. If you want to save it in a different place you will need to edit the file.
  • STEP 2
    Install the tcore package. Start MAPLE and do something like the following.
    > libname;
     "C:\Program Files\Maple 2019\lib", ".", "C:\cygwin64\home\fgarv\maple\mylib"
    > currentdir("C:\\cygwin64\\home\\fgarv\\maple\\mypackages\\tcore\\w-setup");
    > currentdir();
    > read "wprog-tcore-06-12-2023.txt":           
    See the following sample MAPLE session:
    [MW | PDF]
  • STEP 3
    Exit MAPLE and restart it to test the package:
    > with(tcore);
    [PHI1, addrimcell, addrimthook, avec2nvec, aveccyc, darray2ptn, findcell,
      findhookinpos, freqtab, invphi1, ispos, istcore, lp, makebiw, markrimhookV2,
      nep, nepo, np, numnepo, nvec2alphavec, nvec2ptn, printdarray, ptn2nvec,
      ptn2rvec, ptnnorm, randpcore, removerimhook, rvec, tcorechanges, tcoreofptn,
      tcorepversion, tcores, tcrank, tquot, tresdiag, tresdiag2array, veccombo]
    > PTNS:=combinat[partition](14):
    > L:=map(x->tcrank(x,5),PTNS):
    > freqtab(L);
    0, 27
    1, 27
    2, 27
    3, 27
    4, 27
    # This means there are 27 ptns of 14 with tcrank = k mod 5
    # for each k = 0,1,2,3,4.
    # We illustration Bijection 1 of GKS.
    > ptn:=[1,1,2,4,4,5,6,6,6]:
    > ptntctq:=PHI1(ptn,5);
                 ptntctq := [[2, 2, 2, 4], [[1], [1, 1], [], [], [2]]]
    # 5-core of ptn is [2, 2, 2, 4]
    # 5-quotient of ptn is [[1], [1, 1], [], [], [2]]]
    > invphi1(ptntctq,5);
                              [1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6]
    Do you get this? See

The url of this page is tcore-0p2install.html.
Created by F.G. Garvan ( on Saturday, November 18, 2023.
Last update made Sat Nov 18 20:14:29 CST 2023.