FUNCTION : DivCheck - Check certain divisor condition CALLING SEQUENCE : DivCheck(L,N) PARAMETERS : L - (geta)-list N - positive integer SYNOPSIS : For each term [n,m,r] in the geta-list L checks whether n is a divisor of N. If this holds for each term then 1 is returned, otherwise 0 is returned. This function is needed in the proc Gamma1ModFunc EXAMPLES : > L2:= [[40, 3, 2], [40, 4, -5], [40, 5, 4], [40, 6, -3], [40, 7, 2], [40, 8, 2], [40, 10, -2], [40, 13, 2], [40, 14, -3], [40, 15, 4], [40, 16, -4], [40, 17, 2], [40, 20, -1], [20, 1, -2], [20, 2, 3], [20, 3, -2], [20, 4, 1], [20, 6, 3], [20, 7, -2], [20, 8, 1], [20, 9, -2]]; > DivCheck(L2,20); 0 > DivCheck(L2,40); 1 > DivCheck(L2,80); 1 DISCUSSION : SEE ALSO : provemodfuncid, Gamma1ModFunc