FUNCTION :  JACP2jaclist - Convert a quotient of jacprods   
                           into a (jac)-list
CALLING SEQUENCE :  JACP2jaclist()                                   

PARAMETERS :      jacprod - Quotient of products JAC(b,a)          

   jacprod is a quotient of products JAC(b,a). 
   The quotient is converted to a list.
   Each term JAC(b,a)^c in the quotient is converted to an
   item [b,a,c] in the list.
   This function is used by jacbase.


> with(qseries):
> with(thetaids):

> JACP2jaclist();
   jprod is a quotient of theta-functions encoded
   in terms of JAC(a,b,infinity).                            
   The quotient is converted to a list.
   Each term JAC(a,b,infinity)^c in the quotient is converted to an
   item [a,b,infinity,c] in the list.

>  M := 100: aa[ M ] := 1+q; 
>  for n from M-1 by -1 to 1 do 
>  a[ n ] := 1 + q^n/a[ n+1 ]:
>  od:
>  series(a[1],q,100):
>  jacprodmake(%,q,50);
                              JAC(2, 5, infinity)
                              JAC(1, 5, infinity)

> JACP2jaclist(%);
                  [[1, 5, infinity, -1], [2, 5, infinity, 1]]

SEE ALSO :  GETAP2getalist, jacprodmake, jacbase