FUNCTION :  jac2getaprod - Convert a quotient of theta-functions to 
                           generalize eta-products using eta-notation
CALLING SEQUENCE :  jac2getaprodprod()

PARAMETERS :      JJ - Quotient of theta-functions written in
                       in terms of JAC(a,b,infinity)

   This function is a version of jac2eprod.                 
   JJ is a quotient of theta functions encoded in terms of 
   JAC(a,b,infinity). This proc converts this quotient into
   a quotient of eta-products and generalized eta-products
   using the notation eta(b*tau) and eta[b,a](tau).       
   Instead of eta(b*tau) and eta[b,a](tau) jac2eprod uses 
   the notation EETA(b) and GETA(b,a).


> with(thetaids):

> jac2getaprod();
   This function is a version of jac2eprod.                 
   JJ is a quotient of theta functions encoded in terms of 
   JAC(a,b,infinity). This proc converts this quotient into
   a quotient of eta-products and generalized eta-products
   using the notation eta(b*tau) and eta[b,a](tau).       
   Instead of eta(b*tau) and eta[b,a](tau) jac2eprod uses 
   the notation EETA(b) and GETA(b,a).

> JJ:= JAC(2, 10, infinity)^2*JAC(3, 10, infinity)*q^6*JAC(8, 80, infinity)
      *JAC(0, 80, infinity)^2*(JAC(40, 80, infinity)/JAC(0, 80, infinity))^(1/2)
      /(JAC(0, 10, infinity)^3*JAC(4, 10, infinity)*JAC(16, 80, infinity)
      *JAC(24, 80, infinity));

> jac2eprod(JJ);
                  2              6                                  1/2
       GETA(10, 2)  GETA(10, 3) q  GETA(80, 8) EETA(80) GETA(80, 40)
                EETA(10) GETA(10, 4) GETA(80, 16) GETA(80, 24)

> jac2getaprod(JJ);
eta[2, 10](tau)  eta[3, 10](tau) eta[8, 80](tau) eta(80 tau)

    eta[40, 80](tau)   /(eta(10 tau) eta[4, 10](tau) eta[16, 80](tau)

    eta[24, 80](tau))

SEE ALSO :  jac2eprod