First Ramanujan Colloquium

March 19, 2007

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Mathematics Chair Krishnaswami Alladi welcoming the audience to the First Ramanujan Colloquium - March 19, 2007

Evan Pugh Professor George Andrews of the Pennsylvania State University (and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Florida) making the Opening Remarks before the First Ramanujan Colloquium - March 19, 2007

Professor George Andrews (Penn. State University) inviting Professor Manjul Bhargava (Princeton University) to deliver the First Ramanujan Colloquium - March 19, 2007

Professor Manjul Bhargava (Princeton) delivering the First Ramanujan Colloquium at the University of Florida - March 19, 2007

Professor Manjul Bhargava (Princeton) delivering the First Ramanujan Colloquium on the topic "Sums of squares and the 290 theorem" - March 19, 2007

Prof. Bhargava (Princeton) lecturing in a packed hall of faculty and students from mathematics and other departments - March 19, 2007

Professor Manjul Bhargava delivering a Number Theory Seminar after the Ramanujan Colloquium - March 20, 2007

From l to r: Mathematics Chairman Krishnaswami Alladi, Ramanujan Colloquium Speaker Manjul Bhargava (Princeton University) and Ramanujan Colloquium Sponsor George Andrews (Pennsylvania State University)

Last update made Sun Mar 25 21:17:36 EDT 2007.
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