Special Year in Probability and Analysis

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Professor Louis Nirenberg of the Courant Institute delivering the Eight Ulam Colloquium on "The Maximum Principle" Nov 14, 2005

Mathematics Chair Krishnaswami Alladi and Professor Yunmei Chen with Professors Stroock (left) of MIT and Louis Nirenberg (second from right). Stroock and Nirenberg were featured speakers in the Conferences on Probability and PDE respectively which were organized back to back. 13 Nov 2006

Graduate Research Professor John Thompson paying tribute to his great teacher Saunders Maclane in a lecture Dec 2005

Professor William Arveson of the University of California, Berkeley, delivering the Eight Erdos Colloquium "Operator Theory and the K-Homology of Algebraic Varieties" March 2, 2006

2005 Abel prize Winner Peter Lax of the Courant Institute delivering the Third CAM Colloquium entitled "A Phragmén-Lindelöf Principle in Harmonic Analysis" March 7, 2006

The audience listening keenly to Professor Peter Lax's response to a question after his lecture March 7, 2006

Distinguished Visiting Professor George Andrews of Penn State University addressing the Joint Combinatorics - Number Theory Seminar February 14, 2006

Associate Dean Jack Sabin of CLAS making the Opening Remarks for the History Lecture of Professor Detlev Buchholz (seated in the middle), Prof. Steve Summers, Buchholz's host and collaborator, looks on March 27, 2006

Professor Detlev Buchholz of the University of Göttingen, delivering a History Lecture on "The Quest for Understanding Particles" March 27, 2006

Last update made Tue Oct 31 12:47:08 EST 2006.
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