[Abstract] Alexander Berkovich and Frank G. Garvan; The GBG-Rank and t-Cores I. Counting and 4-Cores, Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, 1 (2009), no. 3, 49--64.

Abstract: Let rj(pi,s) denote the number of cells, colored j, in the s-residue diagram of partition pi. The GBG-rank of pi mod s is defined as

GBG-rank(pi,s) = SUM j=0s-1 rj(pi,s) e2pi I j/s,     I=sqrt(-1).
We will prove that for (s,t)=1
nu(s,t) < binomial(s+t,s)/(s+t),
where nu(s,t) denotes a number of distinct values that the GBG-rank of a t-core mod s may assume. The above inequality becomes an equality when s is prime or when s is composite and t<2ps, where ps is a smallest prime divisor of s.

We will show that the generating functions for 4-cores with prescribed GBG-rank mod 3 value are all eta-products.

The url of this page is http://www.math.ufl.edu/~frank/abstracts/GBG.html.
Created by F.G. Garvan (fgarvan@ufl.edu) on Wednesday, August 13, 2008.
Last update made Tue Oct 6 13:40:54 EDT 2009.

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