[Abstract] F. Garvan and M. J. Schlosser; Combinatorial interpretations of Ramanujan's tau function, preprint.


We use a $q$-series identity by Ramanujan to give a combinatorial interpretation of Ramanujan's tau function which involves $t$-cores and a new class of partitions which we call $(m,k)$-capsids. The same method can be applied in conjunction with other related identities yielding alternative combinatorial interpretations of the tau function.

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The url of this page is http://www.math.ufl.edu/~fgarvan/abstracts/combtau.html.
Created by F.G. Garvan (fgarvan@ufl.edu) on Sunday, June 26, 2016.
Last update made Sun Jun 26 09:33:30 EDT 2016.

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