[Abstract] Alexander Berkovich and Frank G. Garvan; Some Observations on Dyson's New Symmetries of Partitions

Abstract: We utilize Dyson's concept of the adjoint of a partition to derive an infinite family of new polynomial analogues of Euler's Pentagonal Number Theorem. We streamline Dyson's bijection relating partitions with crank <k and those with k in the Rank-Set of partitions. Also, we extend Dyson's adjoint of a partition to MacMahon's ``modular'' partitions with modulus 2. This way we find a new combinatorial proof of Gauss's famous identity. We give a direct combinatorial proof that for n>1 the partitions of n with crank k are equinumerous with partitions of n with crank -k.

The url of this page is http://www.math.ufl.edu/~frank/abstracts/dyson.html.
Created by F.G. Garvan (fgarvan@ufl.edu) on Wednesday, March 13, 2002.
Last update made Sat Oct 5 12:27:30 EDT 2002.

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