Contents: Scott Ahlgren, Gaussian hypergeometric series and combinatorial congruences (1--12); Krishnaswami Alladi and Alexander Berkovich, A double bounded key identity for Gollnitz's (big) partition theorem (13--32); George E. Andrews, Arnold Knopfmacher, Peter Paule and Burkhard Zimmermann, Engel expansions of $q$-series by computer algebra (33--57); Paul T. Bateman, Boris A. Datskovsky and Marvin I. Knopp, Sums of squares and the preservation of modularity under congruence restrictions (59--71); Bruce C. Berndt and K. Venkatachaliengar, On the transformation formula for the Dedekind eta-function (73--77); R. Wm. Gosper, Experiments and discoveries in $q$-trigonometry (79--105); Michael D. Hirschhorn and James A. McGowan, Algebraic consequences of Jacobi's two- and four-square theorems (107--132); Richard Lewis and Zhi-Guo Liu, The Borwein's cubic theta functions and $q$-elliptic functions (133--145); Zhi-Guo Liu, Some Eisenstein series identities associated with the Borwein functions (147--169); Stephen C. Milne, Hankel determinants of Eisenstein series (171--188); Maki Murata, Jacobi's identity and two $K3$-surfaces (189--198); K. A. Muttalib, Y. Chen and M. E. H. Ismail, $q$-random matrix ensembles (199--221); Ken Ono, Differential endomorphisms for modular forms on $\Gamma_0(4)$ (223--229); Thomas Prellberg, On the asymptotics of Takeuchi numbers (231--242); Axel Riese, Fine-tuning Zeilberger's algorithm. The methods of automatic filtering and creative substituting (243--254); D. Stanton, Gaussian integrals and the Rogers-Ramanujan identities (255--265); M. V. Subbarao and A. Verma, Some remarks on a product expansion. An unexplored partition function (267--283).