[Abstract] F.G. Garvan; Congruences for Andrews' spt-function modulo 32760 and extension of Atkin's Hecke-type partition congruences, preprint.

Dedicated to the memory of A.J. (Alf) van der Poorten, my former teacher

Abstract: New congruences are found for Andrews' smallest parts partition function $\spt(n)$. The generating function for $\spt(n)$ is related to the holomorphic part $\alpha(24z)$ of a certain weak Maass form $\mathcal{M}(z)$ of weight $\tfrac{3}{2}$. We show that a normalized form of the generating function for $\spt(n)$ is an eigenform modulo $72$ for the Hecke operators $T(\ell^2)$ for primes $\ell > 3$, and an eigenform modulo $p$ for $p=5$, $7$ or $13$ provided that $(\ell,6p)=1$. The result for the modulus $3$ was observed earlier by the author and considered by Ono and Folsom. Similar congruences for higher powers of $p$ (namely $5^6$, $7^4$ and $13^2$) occur for the coefficients of the function $\alpha(z)$. Analogous results for the partition function were found by Atkin in 1966. Our results depend on the recent result of Ono that $\mathcal{M}_{\ell}(z/24)$ is a weakly holomorphic modular form of weight $\tfrac{3}{2}$ for the full modular group where $$ \mathcal{M}_{\ell}(z) = \mathcal{M}(z) \vert T(\ell^2) - \leg{3}{\ell} (1 + \ell) \mathcal{M}(z). $$

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Created by F.G. Garvan (fgarvan@ufl.edu) on Saturday, November 6, 2010.
Last update made Wed Nov 24 19:14:33 EST 2010.

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