Jinho Baik

Affiliation: Princeton University and University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Email: jbaik@math.princeton.edu

Title Of Talk: Limiting distribution of random growth models

Abstract: Many one spatial dimension random growth models are believed to be in the KPZ universality class. Especially the height fluctuation exponent of the models in this class is believed to be 1/3. For a polynuclear growth model, this exponent is proved to be true. Moreover the limiting distribution of the height fluctuation is obtained for this special model. It turns out that limiting distributions are more subtle, and different symmetry of the model yields different distribution. Some of the distributions are related to the largest eigenvalue of large random Hermitian matrix. The polynuclear growth model is in bijection to a longest increasing subsequence of random permutation, and we analyze the limiting distribution of longest increasing subsequence using Toeplitz determinant formula.

Last update made Wed Feb 26 16:37:09 EST 2003.
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