Daniel Gottesman

Affiliation: Berkeley and Perimeter Institute, Waterloo

Email: dgottesman@perimeterinstitute.ca

Title Of Talk: Private Key and Public Key Quantum Cryptography

URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0111100

Abstract: Information has always been valuable, never more so than in recent decades, and throughout history people have turned to cryptography in an attempt to keep important information secret. Coherent manipulation of quantum states promises to rearrange the lists of possible and impossible cryptographic tasks. I will describe Shor's algorithm to break classical codes with a quantum computer and protocols for quantum key distribution using single photons to perform unbreakable encryption. One useful classical technique is the idea of a public key, which can be safely handed out even to an adversary. I will also show how to create quantum protocols with similar properties, and how they can be used to create unbreakable digital signatures.

Last update made Tue Feb 18 14:52:45 EST 2003.
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