Michio Jimbo

Affiliation: University of Tokyo

Email: jimbomic@ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Title Of Talk: Physical Combinatorics II: Counting form factors

Abstract: We revisit the issue of counting all local fields of the restricted sine-Gordon model, in the case corresponding to a perturbation of minimal unitary conformal field theory. The problem amounts to the study of a quotient of certain space of polynomials which enter the integral representation for form factors. This space may be viewed as a $q$-analog of the space of conformal coinvariants associated with $U_q(\slth)$ with $q=\sqrt{-1}$. We prove that its character is given by the restricted Kostka polynomial multiplied by a simple factor. As a result, we obtain a formula for the truncated character of the total space of local fields in terms of the Virasoro characters.

Last update made Tue Mar 18 10:50:34 EST 2003.
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