Tetsuji Miwa

Affiliation: RIMS, Kyoto

Email: tetsuji@kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Title Of Talk: Physical Combinatorics I: CFT and restricted Kostka polynomials

Abstract: We introduce a degree on the space of conformal blocks, or equivalently, on its dual space, the space of conformal coinvariants. In the $sl_2$ case, the Hilbert polynomial of this space is given by the restricted Kostka polynomials. The problem can be formulated in terms of abelian currents. We also discuss an analogue in terms of super-symmetric currents. The talk is based on joint works with Feigin, Jimbo, Kedem, Loktev, Mukhin and Takeyama.

Last update made Wed Mar 19 09:15:32 EST 2003.
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