David M. Bradley

Affiliation: University of Maine

Email: bradley@math.umaine.edu

Title Of Talk: On q-Analogs of Multiple Zeta Values and other Multiple Harmonic Series


Abstract: An example of a multiple harmonic sum is $Z_n(s,t,u) := \sum_{n\ge k\ge j\ge m\ge 1} k^{-s} j^{-t} m^{-u}$. Here, the sum is over all positive integers $k, j, m$ satisfying the indicated inequalities, which in some cases may be strict instead of weak as shown. The bound $n$ is either a positive integer or infinite. The variables $s, t, u$ are unrestricted if $n$ is finite, but are usually assumed to be positive integers, with $s>1$ if $n$ is infinite to ensure convergence. In general, we may have an arbitrary finite number of variables instead of three. The $q$-analog of a positive integer $k$ is $[k]_q := \sum_{j=0}^{k-1} q^j = (1-q^k)/(1-q)$, $0

Last update made Thu Nov 11 14:46:06 EST 2004.
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