B. Ramakrishnan

Affiliation: Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad

Email: ramki@mri.ernet.in

Title Of Talk: Lacunarity of Two-Eta-Products

Abstract: We discuss the lacunarity of modular forms which are two-eta-products. i.e., $\eta^r(z)\eta^s(mz)$ for $m= 3, 4, 5, 7$, where $r+s$ is even, $rs\not=0$. Further, using a theorem of Granville and Ono on the $t-core$ partion, we also show that there are no lacunary non-cusp forms corresponding to the eta-products $\eta^r(z)\eta^s(mz), m\ge 4$. This talk is based on the speaker's work in collaboration with Shaun Cooper and Sanoli Gun.

Last update made Thu Nov 11 14:47:06 EST 2004.
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