Jaebum Sohn

Affiliation: Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

Email: jsohn@yonsei.ac.kr

Title Of Talk: Some continued fractions in Ramanujan's lost notebook

URL: http://math.yonsei.ac.kr/sohn/jslee(finalversion).pdf

Abstract: In this talk we first give the value of a periodic continued fraction which was recorded incorrectly by Ramanujan on page 341 of his lost notebook. Next, we describe several pairs of equivalent continued fractions in which one is the odd part of the other. One of the results is for the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction which was recently proved by Berndt and Yee. Finally, using the Bauer-Muir transformation we prove the equivalence of two continued fractions. One was recorded on page 44 in Ramanujan's lost notebook, and the other is found in the unorganized pages at the end of Ramanujan's second notebook.

Last update made Thu Nov 11 14:47:17 EST 2004.
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