Brooks, James K.
- 2678926
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Kozinski, J. T.(1-FL)
Stochastic integration in abstract spaces. (English summary)
Int. J. Stoch. Anal. 2010, Art. ID 217372, 7 pp.
60H05 (46G12 46N30 60B11)
- 2678926
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Kozinski, J. T.(1-FL)
Stochastic integration in abstract spaces. (English summary)
Int. J. Stoch. Anal. 2010, Art. ID 217372, 7 pp.
60H05 (46G12 46N30 60B11)
- 2356951
Brooks, James K.(1-FL); Candeloro, Domenico(I-PERG-MI)
On the space of functions integrable with respect to functions of unbounded variation. (English summary)
Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena Reggio Emilia 54 (2006), no. 1-2, 115--123.
28B05 (46G10)
- 2188532
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL)
Equicontinuity in measure spaces and von Neumann algebras.
Positivity 9 (2005), no. 3, 485--490.
- 2181005
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Candeloro, D.(I-PERG-MI); Martellotti, A.(I-PERG-MI)
Stochastic processes in nuclear spaces: quasi-martingales and decompositions.
(English. English summary)
Math. Slovaca 55 (2005), no. 3, 271--282.
28B05 (46A04 60G48)
- 2161244
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Saitô, Kazuyuki(J-TOHOE); Wright, J. D. Maitland(4-ABERK)
Operators on $\sigma$-complete $C\sp *$-algebras.
(English. English summary)
Q. J. Math. 56 (2005), no. 3, 301--310.
- 2127165
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL)
The commutative and non-commutative Dieudonné theorem.
Functional analysis VIII,
Various Publ. Ser. (Aarhus), 47,
Aarhus Univ., Aarhus, 2004.
28A33 (46L51)
- 2086995
Brooks, James K.(1-FL); Candeloro, Domenico(I-PERG-MI)
The Rickart integral and Yosida-Hewitt decompositions.
(English. English summary)
Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 28 (2004), , part II, 227--240.
28B15 (28B05 28B10 46G10)
- 2059795
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Wright, J. D. Maitland(4-RDNG)
Convergence in the dual of a $\sigma$-complete $C\sp *$-algebra.
(English. English summary)
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 294 (2004), no. 1, 141--146.
- 2043008
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Saitô, Kazuyuki(J-TOHOE); Wright, J. D. Maitland(4-RDNG)
When absolute continuity on $C\sp *$-algebras is automatically uniform.
(English. English summary)
Q. J. Math. 55 (2004), no. 1, 31--40.
- 2045081
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Candeloro, D.(I-PERG-MI)
On the Caccioppoli integral.
(English. English summary)
Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 51 (2003), no. 2, 415--431.
- 1970453
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Saitô, Kazuyuki(J-TOHOE); Wright, J. D. Maitland(4-RDNG)
Operator algebras and a theorem of Dieudonne.
(English. English summary)
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 52 (2003), no. 1, 5--14.
- 1966445
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL)
Stochastic integration theory in infinite dimensional spaces.
Functional analysis, VII (Dubrovnik, 2001),
Various Publ. Ser., 46,
Univ. Aarhus, Aarhus, 2002.
60H05 (46F25 46G12)
- 1966444
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Candeloro, D.(I-PERG-MI)
Integration with respect to functions of unbounded variation.
Functional analysis, VII (Dubrovnik, 2001),
Various Publ. Ser., 46,
Univ. Aarhus, Aarhus, 2002.
26A39 (60H05)
- 1954620
Brooks, James K.(1-FL)
Stochastic processes and stochastic integration in Banach spaces.
Handbook of measure theory, Vol. I, II,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2002.
60H05 (60G07)
- 1954617
Brooks, James K.(1-FL)
One-dimensional diffusions and their convergence in distribution.
Handbook of measure theory, Vol. I, II,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2002.
60J60 (60F05 60J65)
- 1944343
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Saitô, Kazuyuki(J-TOHOE); Wright, J. D. Maitland(4-RDNG)
A bounded sequence of normal functionals has a subsequence which is nearly weakly convergent.
(English. English summary)
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 276 (2002), no. 1, 160--167.
46L10 (46L51)
- 1878253
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Candeloro, D.(I-PERG-MI)
Weak stochastic integration in Banach spaces.
(English. English summary)
Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 49 (2001), no. 2, 513--522.
- 1876259
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Wright, J. D. Maitland(4-RDNG-AN)
Representing Yosida-Hewitt decompositions for classical and non-commutative vector measures.
(English. English summary)
Expo. Math. 19 (2001), no. 4, 373--383.
46L51 (28B05 46G10)
- 1645711
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Neal, D. K.(1-WKY)
Generalized stochastic integration on nuclear spaces.
Dedicated to Prof. C. Vinti (Italian) (Perugia, 1996).
Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 46 (1998), suppl., 83--98.
60H05 (46G12)
- 1628629
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Neal, D.(1-WKY)
Generalized stochastic integral for real and Hilbert processes.
Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 46 (1998), no. 1, 189--247.
60H05 (46N30)
- 1628585
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Candeloro, D.(I-PERG); Martellotti, A.(I-PERG)
On finitely additive measures in nuclear spaces.
(English. Italian summary)
Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 46 (1998), no. 1, 37--50.
28B05 (46G10)
- 1366065
Brooks, James K.(1-FL); Dinculeanu, Nicolae(1-FL)
Integration in Banach spaces. Application to stochastic integration.
Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 43 (1995), no. 2, 317--361.
46G10 (60H05)
- 1408948
Brooks, James K.(1-FL)
Stochastic processes in Banach spaces. Quasimartingales and stochastic integrals.
Workshop on Measure Theory and Real Analysis (Italian) (Grado, 1993).
Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste 26 (1994), suppl., 7--33 (1995).
- 1255656
Brooks, James K.(1-FL); Martellotti, Anna(I-ANC)
Decomposition theorems for weak quasi martingales.
(English. Italian summary)
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. B (7) 7 (1993), no. 4, 937--959.
60G07 (60B11 60G44)
- 1203520
Brooks, James K.(1-FL); Neal, David(1-WKY)
A vector measure approach to the optional stochastic integral.
Ulam Quart. 1 (1992), no. 1, 18ff., approx. 10 pp. (electronic only).
60H05 (28B05 60G48)
- 1179037
Brooks, James K.(1-FL); Martellotti, Anna(I-ANC)
On the De Giorgi-Letta integral in infinite dimensions.
Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 40 (1992), no. 1, 285--302.
28B05 (46G10)
- 1118439
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Dinculeanu, N.(1-FL)
Stochastic integration in Banach spaces.
Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1990 (Vancouver, BC, 1990),
Progr. Probab., 24,
Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1991.
- 1111762
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Neal, D.(1-FL)
A characterization of Hilbert stochastic integrals.
Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 39 (1991), no. 1, 113--129.
- 1194269
Brooks, James K.(1-FL); Rao, Murali(1-FL)
Compactness and convergence of measures.
(English. English summary)
Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 38 (1990), no. 1-12, 229--234.
- 1110173
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Dinculeanu, N.(1-FL)
Itô's formula for stochastic integration in Banach spaces.
Diffusion processes and related problems in analysis, Vol. I (Evanston, IL, 1989),
Progr. Probab., 22,
Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1990.
60H05 (46G12)
- 1051225
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Dinculeanu, N.(1-FL)
Stochastic integration in Banach spaces.
Adv. Math. 81 (1990), no. 1, 99--104.
60H05 (60B11)
- 990473
Brooks, James K.(1-FL); Neal, David(1-FL)
The optional stochastic integral.
Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1988 (Gainesville, FL, 1988),
Progr. Probab., 17,
Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1989.
60H05 (28B05)
- 1046410
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Dinculeanu, N.(1-FL)
Regularity and the Doob-Meyer decomposition of abstract quasimartingales.
Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1987 (Princeton, NJ, 1987),
Progr. Probab. Statist., 15,
Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1988.
60G48 (60B12 60G17 60G20)
- 956822
Brooks, James K.(1-FL); Dinculeanu, Nicolae(1-FL)
Modifications càdlàg et décomposition de Doob-Meyer des quasimartingales à valeurs dans un espace de Banach.
(French. English summary)
[Cadlag modifications and the Doob-Meyer decomposition of quasimartingales with values in a Banach space]
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 307 (1988), no. 6, 273--278.
60G48 (60B11)
- 882695
Brooks, James K.(1-FL); Dinculeanu, Nicolae(1-FL)
Projections and regularity of abstract processes.
Stochastic Anal. Appl. 5 (1987), no. 1, 17--25.
60G44 (28B05 46N05 60G48)
- 896733
Brooks, James K.(1-FL); Dinculeanu, Nicolae(1-FL)
$H\sp 1$ and BMO spaces of abstract martingales.
Seminar on stochastic processes, 1985 (Gainesville, Fla., 1985),
Progr. Probab. Statist., 12,
Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1986.
60G48 (46G10)
- 845658
Brooks, James K.(1-FL); Dinculeanu, Nicolae(1-FL)
Espaces $H\sp 1$ et BMO de martingales abstraites.
(French. English summary)
[$H\sp 1$ and BMO spaces of abstract martingales]
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 302 (1986), no. 17, 639--640.
60G46 (46B22)
- 714586
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Chacon, R. V.(3-BC)
Diffusions as a limit of stretched Brownian motions.
Adv. in Math. 49 (1983), no. 2, 109--122.
60F17 (60J60)
- 729528
Brooks, J. K.(1-FL); Chacon, R. V.(3-BC)
Convergence theorems in the theory of diffusions.
Measure theory and its applications (Sherbrooke, Que., 1982),
Lecture Notes in Math., 1033,
Springer, Berlin, 1983.
- 679908
Brooks, J. K.; Chacon, R. V.
Weak convergence of diffusions, their speed measures and time changes.
Adv. in Math. 46 (1982), no. 2, 200--216.
60J60 (60F17)
- 673803
Brooks, James K.; Dinculeanu, Nicolae
On weak compactness in the space of Pettis integrable functions.
Adv. in Math. 45 (1982), no. 3, 255--258.
46E30 (28B05)
- 612318
Martin, Nathaniel F. G.; England, James W.
Mathematical theory of entropy.
With a foreword by James K. Brooks.
Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 12.
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass., 1981. xxi+257 pp. ISBN 0-201-13511-6
28D20 (54H20 60G10 82A05 94A15)
- 621857
Brooks, James K.; Dinculeanu, Nicolae
Weak and strong compactness in the space of Pettis integrable functions.
Proceedings of the Conference on Integration, Topology, and Geometry in Linear Spaces (Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C., 1979),
pp. 161--187,
Contemp. Math., 2,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 1980.
46E40 (46G10)
- 585896
Brooks, J. K.; Chacon, R. V.
Continuity and compactness of measures.
Adv. in Math. 37 (1980), no. 1, 16--26.
28A20 (28A33)
- 574646
Brooks, James K.
On a theorem of Dieudonné.
Adv. in Math. 36 (1980), no. 2, 165--168.
- 548792
Brooks, James K.; Dinculeanu, Nicolae
Conditional expectations and weak and strong compactness in spaces of Bochner integrable functions.
J. Multivariate Anal. 9 (1979), no. 3, 420--427.
46E40 (60A10)
- 557401
Brooks, James K.; Lewis, Paul W.
Operators on spaces of continuous functions.
(English. Russian summary)
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Sér. Sci. Math. 27 (1979), no. 5, 355--358.
- 506889
Brooks, James K.; Lewis, Paul W.
Operators on continuous function spaces and convergence in the spaces of operators.
Adv. in Math. 29 (1978), no. 2, 157--177.
47B38 (46G99)
- 438121
Brooks, James K.; Dinculeanu, N.
Weak compactness in spaces of Bochner integrable functions and applications.
Advances in Math. 24 (1977), no. 2, 172--188.
46G10 (46E40)
- 487430
Brooks, James K.; Dinculeanu, Nicolae
Weak compactness in the space of pseudo functions.
J. Analyse Math. 29 (1976), 1--5.
- 420266
Brooks, James K.; Dinculeanu, Nicolae
Lebesgue-type spaces for vector integration, linear operators, weak completeness and weak compactness.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 54 (1976), no. 2, 348--389.
46G10 (28A45 47B37)
- 377578
Brooks, James K.; Lewis, Paul W.
Linear operators and vector measures. II.
Math. Z. 144 (1975), no. 1, 45--53.
47B37 (46G10)
- 365137
Brooks, James K.; Dinculeanu, Nicolae
Lebesgue spaces for bilinear vector integration theory.
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 80 (1974), 821--824.
46G10 (28A45)
- 364594
Brooks, James K.
Interchange of limit theorems for finitely additive measures.
Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 19 (1974), 731--744.
28A45 (46G10)
- 346505
Brooks, James K.; Dinculeanu, Nicolae
Strong additivity, absolute continuity, and compactness in spaces of measures.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 45 (1974), 156--175.
46E27 (28A45)
- 338821
Brooks, J. K.; Lewis, P. W.
Linear operators and vector measures.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 192 (1974), 139--162.
47B37 (46E40)
- 335736
Brooks, James K.
Equicontinuity, absolute continuity and weak compactness in measure theory.
Vector and operator valued measures and applications (Proc. Sympos., Alta, Utah, 1972),
pp. 51--61.
Academic Press, New York, 1973.
- 322126
Brooks, James K.; Reichelderfer, Paul V.
On absolutely continuous transformations for measure spaces.
Illinois J. Math. 17 (1973), 167--176.
28A15 (26A57)
- 320268
Brooks, James K.
Equicontinuous sets of measures and applications to Vitali's integral convergence theorem and control measures.
Advances in Math. 10, 165--171. (1973).
- 369651
Brooks, James K.; Mikusi\'nski, Jan
Weak integrals defined on Euclidean $n$-space.
Collection of articles honoring the completion by Antoni Zygmund of 50 years of scientific activity, V.
Studia Math. 44 (1972), 501--505.
- 331056
Brooks, J. K.
On compactness of measures.
(English. Russian summary)
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Sér. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 20 (1972), 991--994.
- 324408
Brooks, James K.
Weak compactness in the space of vector measures.
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 78 (1972), 284--287.
46G10 (28A45 46E40)
- 298442
Brooks, James K.; Lewis, Paul W.
Operators on function spaces.
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 78 (1972), 697--701.
47B99 (46E99)
- 298402
Brooks, James K.; Dinculeanu, Nicolae
Critères de compacité dans les espaces de mesures vectorielles.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. A-B 274 (1972), A1627--A1628.
46E99 (28A45)
- 296656
Brooks, James K.
Sur les suites uniformément convergentes dans un espace de Banach.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér A-B 274 (1972), A1037--A1040.
46B05 (28A45)
- 294600
Brooks, James K.; Dinculeanu, Nicolae
Weak compactness and control measures in the space of unbounded measures.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 69 (1972), 1083--1085.
28A45 (46E99)
- 293383
Brooks, James K.
Sur la représentation de l'espace dual de l'espace des fonctions intégrables au sens de Pettis.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. A-B 274 (1972), A1099--A1101.
46E30 (28A25)
- 286971
Brooks, James K.
On the existence of a control measure for strongly bounded vector measures.
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 77 1971 999--1001.
- 269802
Brooks, James K.; Jewett, Robert S.
On finitely additive vector measures.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 67 1970 1294--1298.
- 261323
Brooks, J. K.; Mikusi\'nski, J.
On some theorems in functional analysis.
(English. Loose Russian summary)
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Sér. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 18 1970 151--155.
- 274697
Brooks, James K.
Representations of weak and strong integrals in Banach spaces.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 63 1969 266--270.
- 268343
Brooks, James K.
On the Vitali-Hahn-Saks and Nikod\'ym theorems.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 64 1969 468--471.
- 264025
Brooks, J. K.
On the Gelfand-Pettis integral and unconditionally convergent series.
(English. Loose Russian summary)
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Sér. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 17 1969 809--813.
- 251188
Brooks, James K.
On generalized Jacobians.
Funkcial. Ekvac. 12 1969 1--6.
- 249567
Brooks, James K.
Transformation theory for vector measure spaces.
An. Acad. Brasil. Ci. 41 1969 15--18.
- 248303
Brooks, James K.; Reichelderfer, Paul V.
On absolutely continuous transformations.
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 75 1969 1243--1246.
- 245754
Brooks, James K.
Transforming bilinear vector integrals.
Studia Math. 33 1969 165--171.
- 240278
Brooks, James K.
On absolute continuity in transformation theory.
Monatsh. Math. 73 1969 1--6.
- 237743
Brooks, James K.
Decomposition theorems for vector measures.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 1969 27--29.
- 435326
Brooks, James K.; Reichelderfer, Paul V.
A Jordan decomposition for weight functions.
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 17 (1968), 165--180.
- 240269
Brooks, James K.
An integration theory for set-valued measures. II.
Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liège 37 1968 375--380.
- 235091
Brooks, James K.
An integration theory for set-valued measures. I.
Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liège 37 1968 312--319.
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Sun Jan 7 14:00:32 EST 2018