Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California, 92093 ; Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California, 92093
Injection structures specified by finite state transducers. (English summary)
Computability and complexity, 394-417,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 10010,
Springer, Cham, 2017.
68Q60 (68Q45)
Barmpalias, George(PRC-ASBJ-LC) Laboratory for Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Beijing, Peoples Republic of China ; Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL)
Department of Mathematics, University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida, 32611 ; Porter, Christopher P.(1-DRAK)
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Drake University
Des Moines, Iowa, 50311 ;
Random numbers as probabilities of machine behavior. (English summary)
Theoret. Comput. Sci. 673 (2017), 1-18.
03D32 (68Q30)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Marek, Victor W.(1-KY-C); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Index sets for finite normal predicate logic programs with function symbols. (English summary) Logical foundations of computer science, 60-75,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 9537, Springer, [Cham], 2016.
68Q15 (03D15 03D45)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Porter, Christopher P.(1-FL)
Algorithmically random functions and effective capacities. (English summary) Theory and applications of models of computation, 23-37,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 9076, Springer, Cham, 2015.
03D32 (60B99)
Adams, Francis(1-FL); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL)
Computability and categoricity of ultrahomogeneous structures. (English summary) Language, life, limits, 1-10,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 8493, Springer, Cham, 2014.
03C57 (03C35)
Buss, Sam(1-UCSD); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Sub-computable bounded randomness. (English summary)
Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 10 (2014), no. 4, 4:15, 27 pp.
Tsenzer, D.(1-FL); Kharizanov, V.(1-GWU); Remmel, Dzh. B.(1-UCSD)
Computability-theoretic properties of injection structures. (Russian. English, Russian summary)
Algebra Logika 53 (2014), no. 1, 60-108, 134-135, 137-138.
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Harizanov, Valentina(1-GWU); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Two-to-one structures. (English summary)
J. Logic Comput. 23 (2013), no. 6, 1195–1223.
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Sub-computable bounded pseudorandomness. (English summary) Logical foundations of computer science, 104–118,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 7734, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013.
03D32 (68Q15 68Q30)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Weber, Rebecca(1-DTM)
Effective randomness of unions and intersections. (English summary)
Theory Comput. Syst. 52 (2013), no. 1, 48–64.
03D32 (03D78)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL-NDM); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD-NDM)
A connection between the Cantor-Bendixson derivative and the well-founded semantics of finite logic programs. (English summary)
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 65 (2012), no. 1, 1–24.
68N17 (03B70 68Q55 68T27)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Dashti, Ali(1-FL); Toska, Ferit(1-FL); Wyman, Sebastian(1-FL)
Computability of countable subshifts in one dimension. (English summary)
Theory Comput. Syst. 51 (2012), no. 3, 352–371.
03D78 (03D30 03F60 37Bxx 68R15)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Harizanov, Valentina(1-GWU); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Effective categoricity of injection structures. (English summary) Models of computation in context, 51–60,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 6735, Springer, Heidelberg, 2011.
03C57 (03C35)
Brodhead, Paul(1-IRSC); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Toska, Ferit(1-FL-NDM); Wyman, Sebastian(1-FL-NDM)
Algorithmic randomness and capacity of closed sets [reprint of MR2836776]. (English summary)
Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 2011, Special issue: 7th International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2010), 3:16, 16 pp.
03D32 (03D78 03F60)
Brodhead, Paul(1-IRSC); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Toska, Ferit(1-FL-NDM); Wyman, Sebastian(1-FL-NDM)
Algorithmic randomness and capacity of closed sets. (English summary)
Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 7 (2011), no. 3, 3:16, 16 pp.
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Harizanov, Valentina(1-GWU); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
$\Sigma^0_1$ and $\Pi^0_1$ equivalence structures. (English summary)
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 162 (2011), no. 7, 490–503.
03C57 (03D45)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Franklin, Johanna N. Y.(1-DTM); Liu, Jiang(SGP-NANT-MPM); Wu, Guohua(SGP-NANT-MPM)
A superhigh diamond in the c.e. $tt$-degrees. (English summary)
Arch. Math. Logic 50 (2011), no. 1-2, 33–44.
03D30 (03D25)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Dashti, Ali(1-FL); Toska, Ferit(1-FL); Wyman, Sebastian(1-FL)
Computability of countable subshifts. (English summary) Programs, proofs, processes, 88–97,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 6158, Springer, Berlin, 2010.
03D78 (03F60 37B10)
Cenzer, Douglas; Franklin, Johanna N. Y.; Liu, Jiang; Wu, Guohua
Embedding the diamond lattice in the c.e. $tt$-degrees with superhigh atoms. (English summary) Theory and applications of models of computation, 420–429,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 5532, Springer, Berlin, 2009.
Database Expansion Item
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Weber, Rebecca(1-DTM); Wu, Guohua(SGP-NANT-SPM)
Immunity for closed sets. (English summary) Mathematical theory and computational practice, 109–117,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 5635, Springer, Berlin, 2009.
03D25 (03D55)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Harizanov, Valentina(1-GWU); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
$\Sigma_1^0$ and $\Pi_1^0$ equivalence structures. (English summary) Mathematical theory and computational practice, 99–108,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 5635, Springer, Berlin, 2009.
Barmpalias, George(4-LEED-SM); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD); Weber, Rebecca(1-DTM)
$K$-trivial closed sets and continuous functions. (English summary) Computation and logic in the real world, 135–145,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 4497, Springer, Berlin, 2007.
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); LaForte, Geoffrey(1-WFL-C); Wu, Guohua(SGP-NANT-SPM)
Pseudojump operators and $\Pi^0_1$ classes. (English summary) Computation and logic in the real world, 146–151,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 4497, Springer, Berlin, 2007.
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Kihara, Takayuki(J-TOHOE); Weber, Rebecca(1-DTM); Wu, Guohua(SGP-NANT-SPM)
Immunity and non-cupping for closed sets. (English summary)
Tbil. Math. J. 2 (2009), 77--94.
03D25 (03D30 03D32)
Calvert, Wesley(1-MRRS-MS); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Harizanov, Valentina S.(1-GWU); Morozov, Andrei(RS-AOSSI)
Effective categoricity of abelian $p$-groups. (English summary)
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 159 (2009), no. 1-2, 187--197.
03D45 (03C57 20Kxx)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Laforte, Geoffrey(1-WFL); Remmel, Jeffrey(1-UCSD)
Equivalence structures and isomorphisms in the difference hierarchy. (English summary)
J. Symbolic Logic 74 (2009), no. 2, 535--556.
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Downey, Rodney G.(NZ-VCTR); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD); Uddin, Zia
Space complexity of abelian groups. (English summary)
Arch. Math. Logic 48 (2009), no. 1, 115--140.
03C57 (03D15 03D45)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Csima, Barbara F.(3-WTRL-PM); Khoussainov, Bakhadyr(NZ-AUCK-C)
Linear orders with distinguished function symbol. (English summary)
Arch. Math. Logic 48 (2009), no. 1, 63--76.
03D45 (03C57)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Harizanov, Valentina; Marker, David; Wood, Carol
Preface [Special issue: The Workshop on Model Theory and Computable Model Theory, 2007].
Held at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, February 5--10, 2007.
Arch. Math. Logic 48 (2009), no. 1, 1--6.
03-06 (03C57)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Laforte, Geoffrey(1-WFL); Wu, Guohua(SGP-NANT-SPM)
Pseudojumps and $\Pi\sb 1\sp 0$ classes. (English summary)
J. Logic Comput. 19 (2009), no. 1, 77--87.
Barmpalias, George(4-LEED-SM); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD); Weber, Rebecca(1-DTM)
$K$-triviality of closed sets and continuous functions. (English summary)
J. Logic Comput. 19 (2009), no. 1, 3--16.
03D80 (60A99 68Q30)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Dashti, S. Ali(1-FL); King, Jonathan L. F.(1-FL)
Effective symbolic dynamics. (English summary) Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2007), 89--99,
Electron. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., 202, Elsevier Sci. B. V., Amsterdam, 2008.
37B10 (03D80 03F60)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Dashti, S. Ali(1-FL); King, Jonathan L. F.(1-FL)
Computable symbolic dynamics. (English summary)
MLQ Math. Log. Q. 54 (2008), no. 5, 460--469.
03F60 (03D80 26E40 37B10)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Hinman, Peter G.(1-MI)
Degrees of difficulty of generalized r.e. separating classes. (English summary)
Arch. Math. Logic 46 (2008), no. 7-8, 629--647.
03D30 (03D25)
Brodhead, Paul(1-FL); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL)
Effectively closed sets and enumerations. (English summary)
Arch. Math. Logic 46 (2008), no. 7-8, 565--582.
03D30 (03D25 03D45)
Barmpalias, George(4-LEED-SM); Brodhead, Paul(1-FL); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD); Weber, Rebecca(1-DTM)
Algorithmic randomness of continuous functions. (English summary)
Arch. Math. Logic 46 (2008), no. 7-8, 533--546.
03D80 (03D28 68Q30)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Weber, Rebecca(1-DTM)
Preface [Third International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis].
Held at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, November 1--5, 2006.
Arch. Math. Logic 46 (2008), no. 7-8, 529--531.
03-06 (03D15 03F60)
Barmpalias, George(4-LEED-SM); Brodhead, Paul(1-FL); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Dashti, Seyyed(1-FL); Weber, Rebecca(1-DTM)
Algorithmic randomness of closed sets. (English summary)
J. Logic Comput. 17 (2007), no. 6, 1041--1062.
68Q30 (03D80 60C05)
Brodhead, Paul(1-FL); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Random continuous functions. (English summary) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2006), 275--287 (electronic),
Electron. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., 167, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007.
03D80 (68Q30)
Brodhead, Paul(1-FL); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Random continuous functions. (English summary) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2006), 275--287 (electronic),
Electron. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., 167, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007.
03D80 (68Q30)
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2006).
Held at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, November 1--5, 2006. Edited by D. Cenzer, R. Dillhage, T. Grubba and K. Weihrauch. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 167. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 2007. front matter+447 pp. (electronic).
03-06 (03D80 03F60)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
On the complexity of inductive definitions. (English summary)
Math. Structures Comput. Sci. 16 (2006), no. 5, 763--788.
03D70 (03Fxx 68N17)
Calvert, Wesley(1-MRRS-MS); Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Harizanov, Valentina(1-GWU); Morozov, Andrei(RS-AOSSI)
Effective categoricity of equivalence structures.
(English. English summary)
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 141 (2006), no. 1-2, 61--78.
03C57 (03D45)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Complexity, decidability and completeness.
(English. English summary)
J. Symbolic Logic 71 (2006), no. 2, 399--424.
03D15 (03B25 03Cxx 03D05 68Q15)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Proof-theoretic strength of the stable marriage theorem and other problems.
(English. English summary)
Reverse mathematics 2001,
Lect. Notes Log.,
Assoc. Symbol. Logic, La Jolla, CA, 2005.
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD); Marek, Victor W.(1-KY)
Logic programming with infinite sets.
(English. English summary)
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 44 (2005), no. 4, 309--339.
68T27 (03B70 68N17)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Riazati, Farzan(1-FL)
Minimal extensions of $\Pi\sp 0\sb 1$ classes.
(English. English summary)
MLQ Math. Log. Q. 51 (2005), no. 2, 206--216.
03D25 (03D30)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Index sets for computable differential equations.
(English. English summary)
MLQ Math. Log. Q. 50 (2004), no. 4-5, 329--344.
03D80 (03D55 03F60 34A05 34A12)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD); Vanderbilt, Amy
Locally determined logic programs and recursive stable models.
(English. English summary)
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 40 (2004), no. 3-4, 225--262.
68N17 (68Q55)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Nies, André(1-CHI)
Global properties of the lattice of $\Pi\sp 0\sb 1$ classes.
(English. English summary)
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (2004), no. 1, 239--249 (electronic).
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Hinman, Peter G.(1-MI)
Density of the Medvedev lattice of $\Pi\sp 0\sb 1$ classes.
(English. English summary)
Arch. Math. Logic 42 (2003), no. 6, 583--600.
03D30 (03D25)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Effectively closed sets and graphs of computable real functions.
(English. English summary)
Computability and complexity in analysis (Castle Dagstuhl, 1999).
Theoret. Comput. Sci. 284 (2002), no. 2, 279--318.
03F60 (03D15 68Q05)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Nies, Andre(1-CHI)
Initial segments of the lattice of $\Pi\sp 0\sb 1$ classes.
(English. English summary)
J. Symbolic Logic 66 (2001), no. 4, 1749--1765.
03D55 (03D25 03D45)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Jockusch, Carl G., Jr.(1-IL)
$\Pi\sb 1\sp 0$ classes---structure and applications.
(English. English summary)
Computability theory and its applications (Boulder, CO, 1999),
Contemp. Math., 257,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2000.
03D30 (03C62 03D25 03E15 03F35 03F60)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD); Vanderbilt, Amy(1-FL)
Locally determined logic programs.
(English. English summary)
Logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning (El Paso, TX, 1999),
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 1730,
Springer, Berlin, 1999.
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Polynomial-time versus computable Boolean algebras.
Recursion theory and complexity (Kazan, 1997),
de Gruyter Ser. Log. Appl., 2,
de Gruyter, Berlin, 1999.
03D45 (03D15)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL)
$\Pi\sp 0\sb 1$ classes in computability theory.
Handbook of computability theory,
Stud. Logic Found. Math., 140,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1999.
03D55 (03D25 03D35 03D80)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Index sets in computable analysis.
(English. English summary)
Computability and complexity in analysis (Castle Dagstuhl, 1997).
Theoret. Comput. Sci. 219 (1999), no. 1-2, 111--150.
Cenzer, D.(1-FL); Remmel, J. B.(1-UCSD)
$\Pi\sp 0\sb 1$ classes in mathematics.
Handbook of recursive mathematics, Vol. 2,
Stud. Logic Found. Math., 139,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1998.
Cenzer, D.(1-FL); Remmel, J. B.(1-UCSD)
Complexity-theoretic model theory and algebra.
Handbook of recursive mathematics, Vol. 1,
Stud. Logic Found. Math., 138,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1998.
03C57 (03D15 03D45)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Feasible graphs with standard universe.
(English. English summary)
Conference on Computability Theory (Oberwolfach, 1996).
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 94 (1998), no. 1-3, 21--35.
03D45 (03C57 03D15 68R10)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey(1-UCSD)
Index sets for $\Pi\sp 0\sb 1$ classes.
(English. English summary)
Computability theory.
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 93 (1998), no. 1-3, 3--61.
03D25 (03D55 03D80)
Computability theory.
Edited by Douglas Cenzer and Jeffrey B. Remmel.
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 93 (1998), no. 1-3.
North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1998. pp. iii--iv and 1--263.
03Dxx (03-06)
Cenzer, D. A.(1-FL); Moser, W. R.
A good oracle is hard to beat.
(English. English summary)
Algorithmica 22 (1998), no. 1-2, 18--34.
03D25 (03D20 68Q99 68T05)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Complexity and categoricity.
(English. English summary)
Inform. and Comput. 140 (1998), no. 1, 2--25.
03C57 (03D15 03D45 68Q15)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey B.(1-UCSD)
Feasibly categorical models.
(English. English summary)
Logic and computational complexity (Indianapolis, IN, 1994),
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 960,
Springer, Berlin, 1995.
03C57 (03D15 68Q15 68Q25)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey(1-UCSD)
Feasible graphs and colorings.
(English. English summary)
Math. Logic Quart. 41 (1995), no. 3, 327--352.
05C15 (03D15 05C85 68Q25)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey(1-UCSD)
Feasibly categorical abelian groups.
Feasible mathematics, II (Ithaca, NY, 1992),
Progr. Comput. Sci. Appl. Logic, 13,
Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1995.
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL)
Effective real dynamics.
Logical methods (Ithaca, NY, 1992),
Progr. Comput. Sci. Appl. Logic, 12,
Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1993.
03F60 (03D80)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Downey, Rodney(NZ-VCTR); Jockusch, Carl(1-IL); Shore, Richard A.(1-CRNL)
Countable thin $\Pi\sp 0\sb 1$ classes.
(English. English summary)
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 59 (1993), no. 2, 79--139.
03D30 (03D25 03D45)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey(1-UCSD)
Recursively presented games and strategies.
(English. English summary)
Math. Social Sci. 24 (1992), no. 2-3, 117--139.
03D45 (03D25 03D35 04A15 90D44)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey(1-UCSD)
Polynomial-time abelian groups.
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 56 (1992), no. 1-3, 313--363.
03D45 (03D15 20K99)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Remmel, Jeffrey(1-UCSD)
Polynomial-time versus recursive models.
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 54 (1991), no. 1, 17--58.
03C57 (03D15)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Smith, Rick L.(1-FL)
On the ranked points of a $\Pi\sp 0\sb 1$ set.
J. Symbolic Logic 54 (1989), no. 3, 975--991.
03E15 (03D70 03F60)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Clote, Peter(1-BSTC); Smith, Rick L.(1-FL); Soare, Robert I.(1-CHI); Wainer, Stanley S.(4-LEED)
Members of countable $\Pi\sp 0\sb 1$ classes.
Special issue: second Southeast Asian logic conference (Bangkok, 1984).
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 31 (1986), no. 2-3, 145--163.
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL)
The stability problem: new results and counterexamples.
Lett. Math. Phys. 10 (1985), no. 2-3, 155--160.
39B40 (58F08 58F11)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL)
Monotone reducibility and the family of infinite sets.
J. Symbolic Logic 49 (1984), no. 3, 774--782.
03E15 (03D30 04A15)
Cenzer, Douglas; Mauldin, R. Daniel
Borel equivalence and isomorphism of coanalytic sets.
Dissertationes Math. (Rozprawy Mat.) 228 (1984), 28 pp.
04A15 (03E15 03E45 03E60 28A05 54H05)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Mauldin, R. Daniel(1-NTXS)
On the Borel class of the derived set operator. II.
(English. French summary)
Bull. Soc. Math. France 111 (1983), no. 4, 367--372.
54H05 (04A15)
Cenzer, Douglas(1-FL); Mauldin, R. Daniel(1-NTXS)
Representations of well-founded preference orders.
Canad. J. Math. 35 (1983), no. 3, 496--508.
90A06 (06A99)
Cenzer, Douglas; Mauldin, R. Daniel
On the Borel class of the derived set operator.
(English. French summary)
Bull. Soc. Math. France 110 (1982), no. 4, 357--380.
54H05 (03E15 04A15)
Cenzer, Douglas
Nongenerable formal languages.
Fund. Inform. (4) 3 (1980), no. 1, 95--103.
03D25 (03D30 03D70 68F05)
Cenzer, Douglas; Mauldin, R. Daniel
Inductive definability: measure and category.
Adv. in Math. 38 (1980), no. 1, 55--90.
03D70 (03E15 28A05 54H05)
Cenzer, D.; Mauldin, R. D.
Faithful extensions of analytic sets to Borel sets.
Houston J. Math. 6 (1980), no. 1, 19--29.
Cenzer, Douglas
The stability problem for transformations of the circle.
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 84 (1979), no. 3-4, 279--281.
58F10 (22A99 39B99)
Cenzer, Douglas; Mauldin, R. Daniel
Measurable parametrizations and selections.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 245 (1978), 399--408.
28A20 (04A15 54H05)
Cenzer, Douglas; Howorka, Edward
On vertex $k$-partitions of certain infinite graphs.
Discrete Math. 23 (1978), no. 2, 105--113.
05C38 (05C40)
Cenzer, Douglas
Parametric inductive definitions and recursive operators over the continuum.
Fund. Math. 100 (1978), no. 1, 9--15.
Cenzer, Douglas
Non-generable RE sets.
Fundamentals of computation theory (Proc. Internat. Conf., Pozna\'n-Kórnik, 1977),
pp. 379--385. Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., Vol. 56,
Springer, Berlin, 1977.
Cenzer, Douglas
Inductive definitions: positive and monotone.
Set theory and hierarchy theory (Proc. Second Conf., Bierutowice, 1975),
pp. 51--63. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 537,
Springer, Berlin, 1976.
02F29 (02K30)
Cenzer, Douglas
Monotone inductive definitions over the continuum.
J. Symbolic Logic 41 (1976), no. 1, 188--198.
Cenzer, Douglas
Ordinal recursion and inductive definitions.
Generalized recursion theory (Proc. Sympos., Oslo, 1972),
pp. 221--264. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Math., Vol. 79,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1974.
02F27 (02D05)
Cenzer, Douglas
Inductively defined sets of reals.
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 80 (1974), 485--487.
Cenzer, Douglas
The boundedness principle in ordinal recursion.
Collection of articles dedicated to Andrzej Mostowski on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, III.
Fund. Math. 81 (1974), 203--212.
Blass, Andreas; Cenzer, Douglas
Cores of $\Pi \sb{1}\sp{1}$ sets of reals.
J. Symbolic Logic 39 (1974), 649--654.
02K30 (02F35 04A15)
Cenzer, Douglas
Analytic inductive definitions.
J. Symbolic Logic 39 (1974), 310--312.
02F27 (02F35)
Last update made
Wed Nov 28 14:00:40 EST 2018