Emch, Gérard G.
- 2435281
The publications of Gérard G. Emch. Contributions in mathematical physics, vii--xvi, Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2007.
- 2408888
Contributions in mathematical physics.
A tribute to Gerard G. Emch. Edited by S. Twareque Ali and Kalyan B. Sinha. Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2007. xviii+217 pp. ISBN: 978-81-85931-79-1; 81-85931-79-8
81-06 (00B30)
- 2387318
Emch, Gérard G.(4-OXAS)
Models and the dynamics of theory-building in physics. II. Case studies. (English summary)
Stud. Hist. Philos. Sci. B Stud. Hist. Philos. Modern Phys. 38 (2007), no. 4, 683--723.
82B03 (00A71 01A05 81P05)
- 2348420
Emch, Gérard G.(4-OXAS)
Models and the dynamics of theory-building in physics. I. Modeling strategies. (English summary)
Stud. Hist. Philos. Sci. B Stud. Hist. Philos. Modern Phys. 38 (2007), no. 3, 558--585.
00A79 (03B42)
- 2198676
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Contributions of Indian mathematicians to quantum statistics.
(English. English summary)
Contributions to the history of Indian mathematics,
Cult. Hist. Math., 3,
Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2005.
01A60 (01A32 81-03 82-03)
- 2198665
Contributions to the history of Indian mathematics.
Papers from the 1st Joint India-AMS Meeting in Mathematics held in Bangalore, December 18 and 20, 2003.
Edited by Gérard G. Emch, R. Sridharan and M. D. Srinivas.
Culture and History of Mathematics, 3.
Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2005. xii+288 pp. ISBN 81-85931-58-5
01A32 (01-06)
- 2180790
Twenty years of Bialowieza: a mathematical anthology.
Aspects of differential geometric methods in physics.
Edited by S. Twareque Ali, Gerard G. Emch, Anatol Odzijewicz, Martin Schlichenmaier and Stanislaw L. Woronowicz.
World Scientific Monograph Series in Mathematics, 8.
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, 2005. xii+261 pp. ISBN 981-256-146-3
00B15 (00A79)
- 2143812
Emch, Gérard G.(4-OXAS)
Probabilistic issues in statistical mechanics.
(English. English summary)
Stud. Hist. Philos. Sci. B Stud. Hist. Philos. Modern Phys. 36 (2005), no. 2, 303--322.
82B03 (60A05 82B31)
- 2126016
Liu, Chuang(1-FL-Q); Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Explaining quantum spontaneous symmetry breaking.
(English. English summary)
Stud. Hist. Philos. Sci. B Stud. Hist. Philos. Modern Phys. 36 (2005), no. 1, 137--163.
81R40 (82B10)
- 2180151
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
The dynamics of modelling.
Time, quantum and information,
Springer, Berlin, 2004.
81P05 (81-02 82B03 82C03)
- 2083134
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Interactive modelling.
(English. English summary)
J. Statist. Phys. 116 (2004), no. 1-4, 17--28.
82B03 (82-02 82-03)
- 2039717
Emch, G. G.(1-FL)
Is there a quantum de Finetti programme?
(English. English summary)
Foundations of probability and physics, 2 (Växjö, 2002),
Math. Model. Phys. Eng. Cogn. Sci., 5,
Växjö Univ. Press, Växjö, 2003.
81S25 (46N50 60A05 81P05)
- 1901753
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL); Liu, Chuang(1-FL-Q)
The logic of thermostatistical physics.
(English. English summary)
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002. xvi+703 pp. ISBN 3-540-41379-0
82B03 (00A79 03C98 37N20 46N55 82-01 82C03)
- 1803411
Emch, G. G.(1-FL); Jadczyk, A. Z.(PL-WROC-P)
Weakly projective representations, quaternions, and monopoles.
(English. English summary)
Stochastic processes, physics and geometry: new interplays, II (Leipzig, 1999),
CMS Conf. Proc., 29,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2000.
81S10 (20C25 20C35 53C80)
- 1792555
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Chaotic dynamics in non-commutative geometry.
(English. English summary)
Quantization, coherent states, and Poisson structures (Bia\l owie\.za, 1995),
PWN, Warsaw, 1998.
81S10 (37N20 46L87 81Q50 81R40 81R60)
- 1649718
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
On the need to adapt de Finetti's probability interpretation to QM.
(English. English summary)
Quantum probability (Gda\'nsk, 1997),
Banach Center Publ., 43,
Polish Acad. Sci., Warsaw, 1998.
81P05 (60A05)
- 1643285
Peter, Ingo J.(DK-CPNH); Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Quantum Anosov flows: a new family of examples.
(English. English summary)
J. Math. Phys. 39 (1998), no. 9, 4513--4539.
46L55 (58F17 81T20)
- 1614689
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Beyond irreducibility and back.
(English. English summary)
Quantizations, deformations and coherent states (Bia\l owie\.za, 1996).
Rep. Math. Phys. 40 (1997), no. 2, 187--193.
81Q50 (46L55 46L87)
- 1473465
Wigner, Eugene Paul
Philosophical reflections and syntheses.
Annotated and with an introduction by Gérard G. Emch.
Edited by Jagdish Mehra and Arthur S. Wightman.
Reprint of the 1995 original [ The collected works of Eugene Paul Wigner. Part B. Historical, philosophical and socio-political papers. Vol.\ VI, Springer, Berlin, 1995; MR 95m:01023].
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997. viii+631 pp. ISBN 3-540-63372-3
81-03 (01A75 81Pxx)
- 1468665
Adler, S. L.(1-IASP); Emch, G. G.(1-FL)
A rejoinder on quaternionic projective representations.
(English. English summary)
J. Math. Phys. 38 (1997), no. 9, 4758--4762.
81R05 (22E99)
- 1419187
Adler, Stephen L.(1-IASP)
Response to: "Comments on a recent paper by S. L. Adler: `Projective group representations in quaternionic Hilbert spaces'\," [J. Math. Phys. 37 (1996), no. 12, 6582--6585; MR 98k:81083] by G. Emch.
(English. English summary)
J. Math. Phys. 37 (1996), no. 12, 6586--6589.
81R05 (22E70)
- 1419186
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Comments on a recent paper by S. L. Adler: "Projective group representations in quaternionic Hilbert spaces" [J. Math. Phys. 37 (1996), no. 5, 2352--2360; MR 97e:81040].
(English. English summary)
J. Math. Phys. 37 (1996), no. 12, 6582--6585.
81R05 (22E70)
- 1403144
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Modular structures in geometric quantization.
(English. English summary)
Quantization, coherent states, and complex structures (Bia\l owie\.za, 1994),
Plenum, New York, 1995.
81S10 (46L60 58F06 81R05)
- 1361441
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
De l'ubiquité de la condition KMS.
(French. English summary)
[On the ubiquity of the KMS condition]
Modern group theoretical methods in physics (Paris, 1995),
Math. Phys. Stud., 18,
Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1995.
82B10 (46L60 46N50 81T05 82-02)
- 1335582
Bertrand, J.(F-PARIS7-TP); Emch, G. G.(1-FL); Rideau, G.(F-PARIS7-TP)
The cohomology of the classical and quantum Weyl CCR in curved spaces.
(English. English summary)
Lett. Math. Phys. 34 (1995), no. 2, 149--158.
81S10 (58F05 58F06)
- 1307827
Wigner, Eugene Paul
The collected works of Eugene Paul Wigner. Part B. Historical, philosophical, and socio-political papers. Vol. VI.
Philosophical reflections and syntheses.
Annotated by Gérard G. Emch.
Edited and with a preface by Jagdish Mehra and Arthur S. Wightman.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995. xii+631 pp. ISBN 3-540-56986-3
01A75 (81-03 81P10 81R05)
- 1350555
On Klauder's path: a field trip.
Essays in honor of John R. Klauder.
Edited by G. G. Emch, G. C. Hegerfeldt and L. Streit.
World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ, 1994. xxii+263 pp. ISBN 981-02-1687-4
- 1303043
Ali, S. Twareque(3-CONC-MS); El Gradechi, Amine M.(3-CONC-MS); Emch, Gérard G.(A-WIEN-P)
Modular algebras in geometric quantization.
(English. English summary)
J. Math. Phys. 35 (1994), no. 12, 6237--6243.
46N50 (46L60 58F06 81S05)
- 1299906
Emch, G. G.(1-FL); Narnhofer, H.(A-WIEN); Thirring, W.(A-ERS); Sewell, G. L.(4-LNDQM-P)
Anosov actions on noncommutative algebras.
(English. English summary)
J. Math. Phys. 35 (1994), no. 11, 5582--5599.
46L55 (46L60 81Q10 82C10)
- 1352871
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
The philosophy of Eugene P. Wigner.
Classical and quantum systems (Goslar, 1991),
World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1993.
81-03 (01A70 81P05)
- 1216540
Ehrlich, Paul E.(1-FL); Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Geodesic and causal behavior of gravitational plane waves: astigmatic conjugacy.
Differential geometry: geometry in mathematical physics and related topics (Los Angeles, CA, 1990),
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 54, Part 2,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1993.
53C50 (53C80 83C35 83C75)
- 1207183
Ehrlich, Paul E.(1-FL); Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Quasi-time functions in Lorentzian geometry.
Geometric analysis and nonlinear partial differential equations (Denton, TX, 1990),
Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 144,
Dekker, New York, 1993.
53C50 (83C99)
- 1189120
- 1186659
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Kolmogorov flows, dynamical entropies and mechanics.
(English. English summary)
Quantum probability & related topics,
World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1992.
46L55 (58F11 82-02 82C03)
- 1174246
- 1155407
Ehrlich, Paul E.(1-FL); Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
The conjugacy index and simple astigmatic focusing.
Geometry and nonlinear partial differential equations (Fayetteville, AR, 1990),
Contemp. Math., 127,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1992.
53C50 (53C22 83C35)
- 1140235
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Geometric quantization: regular representations and modular algebras.
Group theoretical methods in physics (Moscow, 1990),
Lecture Notes in Phys., 382,
Springer, Berlin, 1991.
81S10 (22E70 46L10 46L60 58F06)
- 896790
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL); Hong, Sungpyo(1-RCT)
Time-like geodesic flows on Lorentz manifolds.
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 7 (1987), no. 2, 175--192.
58F17 (53C22 53C50)
- 878380
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
KMS structures in geometric quantization.
Operator algebras and mathematical physics (Iowa City, Iowa, 1985),
Contemp. Math., 62,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1987.
58F06 (46L60 81D07)
- 866592
Ali, S. Twareque(3-CONC); Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL)
Geometric quantization: modular reduction theory and coherent states.
J. Math. Phys. 27 (1986), no. 12, 2936--2943.
81D30 (46L60 58F06)
- 861336
Emch, Gérard G.(1-FL); Hegerfeldt, Gerhard C.(D-GTN-P)
New classical properties of quantum coherent states.
J. Math. Phys. 27 (1986), no. 11, 2731--2737.
81D30 (46L60 81C20)
- 815199
De Bièvre, Stephan; Emch, Gérard G.(1-RCT-P)
Relativistic particle scattering.
Comm. Math. Phys. 101 (1985), no. 4, 539--557.
70H40 (58F05 81F05)
- 777146
Emch, Gérard G.(1-RCT)
Mathematical and conceptual foundations of 20th-century physics.
North-Holland Mathematics Studies, 100. Notas de Matemática [Mathematical Notes], 100.
North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1984. x+549 pp. ISBN 0-444-87585-9
00A69 (00A05 01A60 70-01 80-01 81-01 81E05 82-01 83-01)
- 970104
Emch, Gérard G.(1-RCT)
A derivation of the Wigner-Moyal correspondence and its extension beyond flat spaces.
Quantum theory and the structures of time and space, Vol. 5 (Tutzing, 1982),
Hanser, Munich, 1983.
81C25 (58F06)
- 709822
Emch, Gérard G.(1-RCT)
Geometric dequantization and the correspondence problem.
Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 22 (1983), no. 5, 397--420.
81D07 (46N05 70G99 81C25)
- 676017
Emch, Gérard G.
Quantum and classical mechanics on homogeneous Riemannian manifolds.
J. Math. Phys. 23 (1982), no. 10, 1785--1791.
58F99 (22E70 58G99 81C99)
- 634247
Emch, Gérard G.
von Neumann's uniqueness theorem revisited.
pp. 361--368,
Adv. in Math. Suppl. Stud., 7a,
Academic Press, New York-London, 1981.
81D05 (47D10)
- 610834
Emch, Gérard G.
Some mathematical problems in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics.
Functional analysis, holomorphy, and approximation theory (Proc. Sem., Univ. Fed. Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 1978),
pp. 264--295,
Lecture Notes in Math., 843,
Springer, Berlin-New York, 1981.
82A35 (46Lxx)
- 639646
Emch, Gérard G.
Prequantization and KMS structures.
Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 20 (1981), no. 12, 891--904.
81D05 (46L60 58F06)
- 729817
Emch, Gérard G.(1-RCT); Varilly, Joseph C.(1-RCT)
Some remarks on dilating semigroups of completely positive mappings.
Rep. Math. Phys. 18 (1980), no. 1, 97--102.
47D05 (47D07)
- 538706
Emch, Gérard G.; Sinha, Kalyan B.
Weak quantization in a nonperturbative model.
J. Math. Phys. 20 (1979), no. 7, 1336--1340.
81C12 (47B25 81K05)
- 529026
Emch, Gérard G.; Varilly, Joseph C.
On the standard form of the Bloch equation.
Lett. Math. Phys. 3 (1979), no. 2, 113--116.
- 504761
Emch, Gérard G.
Minimal dilations of CP-flows.
${\rm C}\sp{*}$-algebras and applications to physics (Proc. Second Japan-USA Sem., Los Angeles, Calif., 1977),
pp. 156--159,
Lecture Notes in Math., 650,
Springer, Berlin, 1978.
46L55 (47D05 81C99)
- 508407
Emch, Gérard G.
Phase transitions, approach to equilibrium, and structural stability.
Group theoretical methods in physics (Sixth Internat. Colloq., Tübingen, 1977),
pp. 223--246,
Lecture Notes in Phys., 79,
Springer, Berlin-New York, 1978.
82A25 (58F11 58F15)
- 518454
Emch, Gérard G.
Stochasticity and irreversibility in infinite mechanical systems.
Mathematical problems in theoretical physics (Proc. Internat. Conf., Univ. Rome, Rome, 1977),
pp. 426--432,
Lecture Notes in Phys., 80,
Springer, Berlin-New York, 1978.
- 503314
Emch, Gérard G.; Albeverio, Sergio; Eckmann, Jean-Pierre
Quasi-free generalized $K$-flows.
Rep. Mathematical Phys. 13 (1978), no. 1, 73--85.
82.47 (47D05)
- 523696
Emch, Gérard G.
A dilation problem in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.
Statistical mechanics and statistical methods in theory and application (Proc. Sympos., Univ. Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., 1976),
pp. 313--329.
Plenum, New York, 1977.
- 523546
Emch, G. G.
Non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics.
Current problems in elementary particle and mathematical physics (Proc. XV. Internat. Universitätswochen Kernphysik, Univ. Graz, Schladming, 1976),
pp. 79--131. Acta Phys. Austriaca, Suppl. XV,
Springer, Vienna, 1976.
82.47 (82.60)
- 448112
Emch, Gérard G.
Algebraic K-flows.
International Conference on Dynamical Systems in Mathematical Physics (Rennes, 1975),
pp. 63--65. Asterisque, No. 40,
Soc. Math. France, Paris, 1976.
46L99 (58F99)
- 434287
Emch, Gérard G.
Generalized $K$-flows.
Comm. Math. Phys. 49 (1976), no. 3, 191--215.
- 398367
Whitten-Wolfe, Barbara; Emch, Gérard G.
A mechanical quantum measuring process.
Helv. Phys. Acta 49 (1976), no. 1, 45--55.
- 633776
Emch, Gérard G.
An algebraic approach to the theory of $K$-flows and $K$-entropy.
International Symposium on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics (Kyoto Univ., Kyoto, 1975),
pp. 315--318. Lecture Notes in Phys., 39.
Springer, Berlin, 1975.
46L10 (82.46)
- 448102
Emch, Gérard G.
Nonabelian special $K$-flows.
J. Functional Analysis 19 (1975), 1--12.
46L10 (28A65)
- 421536
Martin, Philippe; Emch, Gérard G.
A rigorous model sustaining van Hove's phenomenon.
Helv. Phys. Acta 48 (1975), 59--78.
- 406182
Ali, S. Twareque; Emch, Gérard G.
Fuzzy observables in quantum mechanics.
J. Mathematical Phys. 15 (1974), 176--182.
- 377536
Emch, Gérard G.
Positivity of the $K$-entropy on non-abelian $K$-flows.
Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verw. Gebiete 29 (1974), 241--252.
46L10 (28A65)
- 353879
Wolfe, John C.; Emch, Gérard G.
$C\sp{*} $-algebraic formalism for coarse graining. III. Momentum coarse graining for Fermi systems in infinite free space.
J. Mathematical Phys. 15 (1974), 1351--1365.
81.46 (82.46)
- 353878
Wolfe, John C.; Emch, Gérard G.
$C\sp{*} $-algebraic formalism for coarse graining. II. Momentum coarse graining for Fermi systems in finite volume.
J. Mathematical Phys. 15 (1974), 1348--1350.
81.46 (82.46)
- 353877
Wolfe, John C.; Emch, Gérard G.
$C\sp{*} $-algebraic formalism for coarse graining. I. General theory.
J. Mathematical Phys. 15 (1974), 1343--1347.
81.46 (82.46)
- 356799
Emch, Gérard G.
Diffusion, Einstein formula and mechanics.
J. Mathematical Phys. 14 (1973), 1775--1783.
- 376032
Emch, Gérard G.
On quantum measurement processes.
Helv. Phys. Acta 45 (1972/73), 1049--1056.
- 332063
Emch, Gérard G.; Wolfe, John C.
A model for dissipative behavior in nonlinear quantum optics.
J. Mathematical Phys. 13 (1972), 1236--1243.
81.62 (82.62)
- 309496
Emch, Gérard G.; Radin, Charles
Relaxation of local thermal deviations from equilibrium.
J. Mathematical Phys. 12 (1971), 2043--2046.
- 266560
Emch, Gérard G.; Knops, Hubert J. F.
Pure thermodynamical phases as extremal ${\rm KMS}$ states.
J. Mathematical Phys. 11 1970 3008--3018.
- 264952
Emch, Gérard G.; Knops, Hubert J. F.; Verboven, Edward J.
Breaking of Euclidean symmetry with an application to the theory of crystallization.
J. Mathematical Phys. 11 1970 1655--1668.
- 208965
Emch, Gérard G.
Rigorous results in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.
Lectures in Theoretical Physics, Vol. VIII A (Boulder, Colo., 1965)
pp. 65--99
Univ. Colorado Press, Boulder, Colo.
- 207350
Emch, Gérard G.
The definition of states in quantum statistical mechanics.
J. Mathematical Phys. 7 1966 1413--1420.
- 204107
Emch, Gérard G.
Non-Markovian model for the approach to equilibrium.
J. Mathematical Phys. 7 1966 1198--1206.
- 204065
Emch, Gérard; Guenin, Marcel
Gauge invariant formulation of the ${\rm BCS}$ model.
J. Mathematical Phys. 7 1966 915--921.
- 192760
Emch, Gérard
Representations of the Lorentz group in quanternionic quantum mechanics.
Lectures in Theoret. Phys., Vol. VII A (Summer Inst. Theoret. Phys., Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo., 1964)
pp. 1--36
Univ. Colorado Press, Boulder, Colo.
- 183453
Emch, Gérard
On the Markov character of master equations.
Helv. Phys. Acta 38 1965 164--171.
- 178901
Emch, Gérard
Coarse-graining in Liouville space and master equation.
(English. French summary)
Helv. Phys. Acta 37 1964 532--544.
- 176812
Emch, Gérard
Méchanique quantique quaternionienne et relativité restreinte. II.
Helv. Phys. Acta 36 1963 770--788.
- 176811
Emch, Gérard
Mécanique quantique quaternionienne et relativité restreinte. I.
(French. English summary)
Helv. Phys. Acta 36 1963 739--769.
- 148349
Emch, Gérard; Piron, Constantin
Symmetry in quantum theory.
J. Mathematical Phys. 4 1963 469--473.
Last update made
Tue Oct 7 14:01:15 EDT 2008