Department of Mathematics, University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida, 32611
Maps of degree 1 and Lusternik-Schnirelmann category. (English summary)
Topology Appl. 221 (2017), 225-230.
55M30 (55N20 57R19 57R70)
Rudyak, Yuli(1-FL-NDM)
Piecewise linear structures on topological manifolds. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, 2016. xxii+106 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4733-78-6
57Q25 (55R25 57Q15 57Qxx)
Rudyak, Yuli(1-FL)
On topological complexity of Eilenberg-Maclane spaces. (English summary)
Topology Proc. 48 (2016), 65-67.
55M30 (55P20)
Rudyak, Yuli(1-FL)
On topological complexity of Eilenberg-Maclane spaces. (English summary)
Topology Proc. 48 (2016), 65-67.
55M30 (55P20)
Basabe, Ibai(1-FL); González, Jesús(MEX-IPN-CI); Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL); Tamaki, Dai(J-SHINS)
Higher topological complexity and its symmetrization. (English summary)
Algebr. Geom. Topol. 14 (2014), no. 4, 2103-2124.
55M30 (55R80)
Dranishnikov, Alexander N.(1-FL); Katz, Mikhail G.(IL-BILN); Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL)
Cohomological dimension, self-linking, and systolic geometry. (English summary)
Israel J. Math. 184 (2011), 437–453.
53Cxx (55Mxx 57Mxx)
Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL)
Erratum to ``On higher analogs of topological complexity'' [Topology Appl. 157 (5) (2010) 916--920] [ MR2593704].
Topology Appl. 157 (2010), no. 6, 1118.
55M30 (53C23 57N65)
Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL)
On higher analogs of topological complexity. (English summary)
Topology Appl. 157 (2010), no. 5, 916--920.
55M30 (57N65)
Dranishnikov, Alexander N.(1-FL); Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL)
Stable systolic category of manifolds and the cup-length. (English summary)
J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 6 (2009), no. 1, 165--177.
55M30 (53C23 57N65)
Rudyak, Yuli(1-FL)
M. M. Postnikov: his life, work and legacy. Algebraic topology---old and new, 15--29,
Banach Center Publ., 85, Polish Acad. Sci. Inst. Math., Warsaw, 2009.
55-03 (01A70)
Algebraic topology---old and new.
Papers from the M. M. Postnikov Memorial Conference held in B\polhk edlewo, June 18--24, 2007. Edited by Marek Golasiński, Yuli Rudyak, Paolo Salvatore, Nikolai Saveliev and Nathalie Wahl. Banach Center Publications, 85. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, Warsaw, 2009. 313 pp. ISBN: 978-83-86806-04-1
57-06 (55-06)
Dranishnikov, Alexander N.(1-FL); Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL)
On the Berstein-Svarc theorem in dimension 2. (English summary)
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 146 (2009), no. 2, 407--413.
Chernov, V. V.(1-DTM); Rudyak, Y. B.(1-FL)
On generalized winding numbers. (English summary)
Algebra i Analiz 20 (2008), no. 5, 217--233.
Katz, Mikhail G.(IL-BILN); Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL)
Bounding volume by systoles of 3-manifolds. (English summary)
J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 78 (2008), no. 2, 407--417.
53Cxx (57Nxx)
Dranishnikov, Alexander N.(1-FL); Katz, Mikhail G.(IL-BILN); Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL)
Small values of the Lusternik-Schnirelman category for manifolds. (English summary)
Geom. Topol. 12 (2008), no. 3, 1711--1727.
53Cxx (55M30)
Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL); Sabourau, Stéphane(F-TOUR-MTP)
Systolic invariants of groups and 2-complexes via Grushko decomposition. (English, French summary)
Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 58 (2008), no. 3, 777--800.
53C23 (20E06)
K\polhk edra, Jarek(4-ABER); Rudyak, Yuli(1-FL); Tralle, Aleksy(PL-PAN)
Symplectically aspherical manifolds. (English summary)
J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 3 (2008), no. 1, 1--21.
Chernov, Vladimir V.(1-DTM); Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL)
Linking and causality in globally hyperbolic space-times. (English summary)
Comm. Math. Phys. 279 (2008), no. 2, 309--354.
53Cxx (57M25)
Rudyak, Yu. B.(1-FL); Schlenk, Felix(B-ULB)
Minimal atlases of closed symplectic manifolds. (English summary)
Commun. Contemp. Math. 9 (2007), no. 6, 811--855.
53D35 (55M30 57R17)
K\c edra, J.(4-ABER); Rudyak, Yu.(1-FL); Tralle, A.
On fundamental groups of symplectically aspherical manifolds. II. Abelian groups. (English summary)
Math. Z. 256 (2007), no. 4, 825--835.
53D35 (57Rxx)
Keesling, James E.(1-FL); Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL)
On fundamental groups of compact Hausdorff spaces. (English summary)
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), no. 8, 2629--2631 (electronic).
55Q05 (03E10 03E55 57M05)
Katz, Mikhail G.(IL-BILN); Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL); Sabourau, Stéphane(F-TOUR-MTP)
Systoles of 2-complexes, Reeb graph, and Grushko decomposition.
Int. Math. Res. Not. 2006, Art. ID 54936, 30 pp.
57Mxx (05C10)
Katz, Mikhail G.(IL-BILN); Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL)
Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and systolic category of low-dimensional manifolds. (English summary)
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 59 (2006), no. 10, 1433--1456.
53Cxx (55Mxx 58Exx)
Chernov, Vladimir V.(1-DTM); Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL)
Toward a general theory of linking invariants.
(English. English summary)
Geom. Topol. 9 (2005), 1881--1913 (electronic).
57R19 (57M27 57Nxx)
Dranishnikov, Alex N.(1-FL); Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL)
Examples of non-formal closed $(k-1)$-connected manifolds of dimensions $\ge4k-1$.
(English. English summary)
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), no. 5, 1557--1561 (electronic).
55S30 (55P62 57Q35)
Ibáñez, R.(E-BILBS); K\c edra, J.(PL-SZCZ); Rudyak, Yu.(1-FL); Tralle, A.
On fundamental groups of symplectically aspherical manifolds.
(English. English summary)
Math. Z. 248 (2004), no. 4, 805--826.
Rudyak, Yu. B.(1-FL)
On sequences ${\rm cat}(f\sp k)$.
(English. English summary)
Topology Appl. 140 (2004), no. 2-3, 295--297.
Rudyak, Yuli B.(1-FL); Schlenk, Felix(CH-ETHZ)
Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory for fixed points of maps.
(English. English summary)
Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 21 (2003), no. 1, 171--194.
37Bxx (55M20 55M30)
Ibáñez, R.(E-BILBS); Rudyak, Yu.(1-FL); Tralle, A.; Ugarte, L.(E-ZRGZS)
Symplectically harmonic cohomology of nilmanifolds.
Symplectic and contact topology: interactions and perspectives (Toronto, ON/Montreal, QC, 2001),
Fields Inst. Commun., 35,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2003.
53Dxx (57R17 58Axx)
Ibáñez, Raúl(E-BILBS); Rudyak, Yuli(1-FL); Tralle, Aleksy; Ugarte, Luis(E-ZRGZS)
On certain geometric and homotopy properties of closed symplectic manifolds.
(English. English summary)
Proceedings of the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Workshop "Invariants of Three-Manifolds" (Calgary, AB, 1999).
Topology Appl. 127 (2003), no. 1-2, 33--45.
53D45 (57R17)
Oprea, John(1-CVLS); Rudyak, Yuli(1-FL)
Detecting elements and Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of 3-manifolds.
(English. English summary)
Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and related topics (South Hadley, MA, 2001),
Contemp. Math., 316,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2002.
55M30 (57N10)
Pushkar, P. E.(RS-IUM); Rudyak, Yu. B.(1-FL)
On the minimal number of critical points of functions on $h$-cobordisms.
(English. English summary)
Math. Res. Lett. 9 (2002), no. 2-3, 241--246.
57R80 (19J10)
Rudyak, Yuli B.(D-HDBG)
On an adjoint functor to the Thom functor.
(English. English summary)
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), no. 5, 1503--1506 (electronic).
55R25 (18A40)
Ibáñez, R.; Rudyak, Yu.; Tralle, A.; Ugarte, L.
Erratum: "On symplectically harmonic forms on six-dimensional nil-manifolds" [Comment. Math. Helv. 76 (2001), no. 1, 89--109; MR 2002b:53120].
Comment. Math. Helv. 76 (2001), no. 3, 576.
53D05 (57R17 58A14)
Ibáñez, R.(E-BILBS); Rudyak, Yu.(D-SGN-M6); Tralle, A.; Ugarte, L.(E-ZRGZS)
On symplectically harmonic forms on six-dimensional nil-manifolds.
(English. English summary)
Comment. Math. Helv. 76 (2001), no. 1, 89--109.
53D05 (57R17 58A14)
Rudyak, Yuli(D-SGN-M6); Tralle, Aleksy
On Thom spaces, Massey products, and nonformal symplectic manifolds.
Internat. Math. Res. Notices 2000, no. 10, 495--513.
53D35 (53D05 55P62 55S30 57R17)
Rudyak, Yuli B.(D-SGN-M5)
On strict category weight, gradient-like flows, and the Arnold conjecture.
Internat. Math. Res. Notices 2000, no. 5, 271--279.
53D40 (37J05 55M30)
Rudyak, Yuli(D-SGN-M6); Tralle, Aleksy
On symplectic manifolds with aspherical symplectic form.
(English. English summary)
Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 14 (1999), no. 2, 353--362.
53D35 (55M30)
Rudyak, Yuli B.(D-HDBG)
On analytical applications of stable homotopy (the Arnold conjecture, critical points).
Math. Z. 230 (1999), no. 4, 659--672.
53D40 (55M30 55N20)
Rudyak, Yuli B.(D-HDBG); Oprea, John(1-CVLS)
On the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of symplectic manifolds and the Arnold conjecture.
Math. Z. 230 (1999), no. 4, 673--678.
53D40 (55M30)
Rudyak, Yuli B.(D-HDBG)
On category weight and its applications.
(English. English summary)
Topology 38 (1999), no. 1, 37--55.
55M30 (55N20 55S30)
Rudyak, Yuli B.(D-HDBG)
Category weight: new ideas concerning Lusternik-Schnirelmann category.
Homotopy and geometry (Warsaw, 1997),
Banach Center Publ., 45,
Polish Acad. Sci., Warsaw, 1998.
55M30 (53D35 55N20 55S30 57R17)
Rudyak, Yuli B.(D-HDBG)
On Thom spectra, orientability, and cobordism.
With a foreword by Haynes Miller.
Springer Monographs in Mathematics.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998. xii+587 pp. ISBN 3-540-62043-5
55-02 (55N22 55P42 57-02)
Rudyak, Yu. B.(D-HDBG)
The spectra $k$ and $kO$ are not Thom spectra.
(English. English summary)
Group representations: cohomology, group actions and topology (Seattle, WA, 1996),
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 63,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1998.
55N20 (55P42 55R25)
Rudyak, Yu. B.(D-HDBG)
On the Ganea conjecture for manifolds.
(English. English summary)
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 125 (1997), no. 8, 2511--2512.
55M30 (57Q99 57R19)
Rudyak, Yuly(RS-MSCE)
On the orientability of bundles and fibrations: the obstruction theory and applications to $K,\;K{\rm O}$ and Morava $K$-theories.
Algebraic topology (Oaxtepec, 1991),
Contemp. Math., 146,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1993.
55S35 (55N15 55N20 55P42 55R25)
Rudyak, Yu. B.(RS-MSUCE)
The problem of realization of homology classes from Poincaré up to the present [MR 92k:55006].
Global analysis---studies and applications, V,
Lecture Notes in Math., 1520,
Springer, Berlin, 1992.
55N22 (01A60 55P42 57Q99 57R95)
Rudyak, Yu. B.(RS-MSCE)
The problem of the realization of homology classes: from Poincaré to the present time.
Algebraic problems in analysis and topology (Russian),
61--76, 160,
Novoe Global. Anal.,
Voronezh. Gos. Univ., Voronezh, 1990.
55N22 (01A60 55P42 57Q99 57R95)
Rudyak, Yu. B.(2-MSCE)
Some relations in the piecewise linear cobordism ring.
Mat. Zametki 46 (1989), no. 6, 75--84, 127; translation in Math. Notes 46 (1989), no. 5-6, 939--945 (1990)
57R90 (55N22)
Rudyak, Yu. B.(2-MSCE)
Orientability of bundles: obstruction theory and applications to $K$-theory.
Mat. Sb. 180 (1989), no. 11, 1561--1582, 1584; translation in Math. USSR-Sb. 68 (1991), no. 2, 429--451
55S35 (55N20 55R65 57R22)
Rudyak, Yu. B.(2-MSCE)
On the orientability of spherical, topological and piecewise linear bundles in complex $K$-theory. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 298 (1988), no. 6, 1338--1341; translation in
Soviet Math. Dokl. 37 (1988), no. 1, 283--286
55R25 (55N20 55P42)
Rudyak, Yu. B.(2-MSCE)
On the realization of the homology classes by PL-manifolds with singularities. (Russian)
Mat. Zametki 41 (1987), no. 5, 741--749, 767.
57Q60 (57R95)
Rudyak, Yu. B.
Exactness theorems for the cohomology theories $M{\rm U}$, ${\rm BP}$ and $P(n)$. (Russian)
Mat. Zametki 40 (1986), no. 1, 115--126, 141.
55N22 (57R77)
Akhmetʹev, P. M.; Rudyak, Yu. B.
The behavior of Bokshteĭn homomorphisms on infinite cell complexes. (Russian)
Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. I Mat. Mekh. 1985, no. 5, 31--33, 96.
Rudyak, Yu. B.; Khokhlov, A. V.
Higher cohomology operations on Thom classes. (Russian)
Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. I Mat. Mekh. 1984, no. 6, 26--31, 110.
55S20 (55R25 57R20)
Hohlov, A. V.; Pazhitnov, A. V.; Rudjak, Ju. B.
On the homotopical structure and applications of Morava's extraordinary $K$-theories. Topology (Leningrad, 1982), 151--163,
Lecture Notes in Math., 1060, Springer, Berlin, 1984.
55N20 (18F25 19L41 55R25)
Brauder, V.
{\cyr Perestroĭki odnosvyaznykh mnogoobraziĭ}. (Russian) [Surgery on simply-connected manifolds]
Translated from the English by Yu. B. Rudyak. Translation edited and with a preface and an appendix by A. S. Mishchenko. ``Nauka'', Moscow, 1984. 208 pp.
57R65 (57-02)
Pazhitnov, A. V.; Rudyak, Yu. B.
Commutative ring spectra of characteristic $2$. (Russian)
Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 124(166) (1984), no. 4, 486--494.
55N20 (55N22 55P42)
Madsen, I.; Milgrèm, R.
{\cyr Klassifitsiruyushchie prostranstva dlya perestroek i kobordizmov mnogoobraziĭ}. (Russian) [The classifying spaces for surgery and cobordism of manifolds]
Translated from the English and with an appendix by Yu. B. Rudyak. Translation edited by M. M. Postnikov. {\cyr Matematika: Novoe v Zarubezhnoĭ Nauke} [Mathematics: Recent Publications in Foreign Science], 35. ``Mir'', Moscow, 1984. 279 pp.
57N70 (55P47 55R35 57-02 57Q60 57R65)
Adams, Dzh.
{\cyr Beskonechnokratnye prostranstva petelʹ}. (Russian) [Infinite loop spaces]
Translated from the English by Yu. B. Rudyak and A. V. Shokurov. Translation edited and with a preface by D. B. Fuks. ``Mir'', Moscow, 1982. 200 pp.
55-02 (55P47)
Rudjak, Ju. B.
On the Thom-Dold isomorphism for nonorientable vector bundles. (Russian)
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 255 (1980), no. 6, 1323--1325.
55R25 (55N20 57N65)
Bredon, Glen E.
{\cyr Vvedenie v teoriyu kompaktnykh grupp preobrazovaniĭ}. (Russian) [Introduction to compact transformation groups]
Translated from the English by Ju. B. Rudjak. ``Nauka'', Moscow, 1980. 440 pp.
Rudjak, Ju. B.
Theorems of Conner-Floyd type in the theory of unitary cobordism. (Russian)
Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 42 (1978), no. 3, 654--666.
55B20 (57D90)
Efremovič, V. A.; Rudjak, Ju. B.
The Descartes-Euler characteristic. (Russian) Qualitative and approximate methods for the investigation of operator equations, No. 1 (Russian), pp. 35--38. Jaroslav. Gos. Univ., Yaroslavl, 1976.
55C25 (57C05)
Efremovič, V. A.; Rudjak, Ju. B.
On the concept of the Euler characteristic. (Russian)
Uspehi Mat. Nauk 31 (1976), no. 5(191), 239--240.
55C99 (55B40)
{\cyr Dolʹd, A.}; Dolʹd, A.
{\cyr Lektsii po algebraicheskoĭ topologii.} (Russian) [Lectures on algebraic topology]
Translated from the English by Ju. B. Rudjak and A. F. Harˇsiladze. Edited by D. B. Fuks. Izdat. ``Mir'', Moscow, 1976. 463 pp.
Rudjak, Ju. B.
Formal groups, and bordism with singularities. (Russian)
Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 96(138) (1975), no. 4, 523--542, 645.
55B20 (57D90 14L05)
Rudjak, Ju. B.
The normal invariants of certain manifolds. (Russian)
Mat. Zametki 16 (1974), 763--769.
Rudjak, Ju. B.
Connective $k$-theory, and bordism of manifolds with singularities. (Russian)
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 216 (1974), 1222--1225.
55B20 (57D90)
Rudjak, Ju. B.
The fundamental group of a three-dimensional manifold. (Russian)
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 210 (1973), 771--774.
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Sun May 14 14:02:17 EDT 2017