Chadwick Gugg

Affiliation: University of Illinois


Title Of Talk: Two Identities for Squares of the Rogers-Ramanujan Functions and Applications

Abstract: In his notebooks, Ramanujan recorded 40 beautiful modular relations for the Rogers-Ramanujan functions. He also recorded modular relations for the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction, $R(q)$. In particular, he defined the parameters $k:=R(q)R^2(q^2)$, $\mu:=R(q)R(q^4)$, and $\nu:=R^(2)(q^(1/2))R(q)/R(q^2)$, and gave a number of elegant relations for these parameters. Starting from identities for the Rogers-Ramanujan functions, we give new proofs of some of these results.

Last update made Mon Mar 3 21:34:14 EST 2008.
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