Ae Ja Yee

Affiliation: Pennsylvannia State University


Title Of Talk: Combinatorics of q-Euler numbers


Abstract: The Euler number E_n counts the number of "alternating permutations" on [n]. It is well known that its exponential generating function equals Tan z + Sec z. For this reason, E_2n and E_2n+1 are called secant numbers and tangent numbers, respectively. Certain polynomials arising in series expansions for zeros of generalized Rogers-Ramanujan functions provide a q-analog of the tangent numbers, which is part of a wider class of polynomials with similar combinatorial interpretations. In this talk, we will discuss various q-Euler numbers. This is joint work with Tim Huber from Iowa State.

Last update made Wed Feb 27 14:10:34 EST 2008.
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