Jiang Zeng

Affiliation: University of Lyon I

Email: zeng@math.univ-lyon1.fr

Title Of Talk: Euler's $q$-difference table for $C_\ell\wr S_n$

Abstract: The well-known counting formula for the derangements arise naturally from Euler's difference table associated with the sequence $\{n!\}$. In this talk we shall consider Euler's difference table associated with the sequence $\{\ell^n n!\}$ and a $q$-analogue of the latter table. The involved coefficients have combinatorial interpretations in terms of $k$-successions of the group $C_\ell\wr S_n$ and a new mahonian statistic on the group $C_\ell\wr S_n$. In particular for $\ell=1$ we recover the known results for the symmetric groups while for $\ell=2$ we obtain the corresponding results for hyperoctahedral groups. This is a joint work with Hilarion L. M. Faliharimalala.

Last update made Mon Mar 3 14:48:25 EST 2008.
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