FUNCTION: partitions[agcrank] - The Andrews-Garvan crank of a partition CALLING SEQUENCE: agcrank(ptn) PARAMETERS: ptn - partition (list of integers) - SYNOPSIS: agcrank(ptn) returns the Andrews-Garvan crank of the partition ptn EXAMPLES: > with(combinat): > with(partitions): > ptn6:=partition(6): > interface(rtablesize=11): > PMAT:=Matrix(11,3): > for j from 1 to 11 do ptn:=ptn6[j]: > PMAT[j,1]:=ptn: > PMAT[j,2]:=agcrank(ptn): > PMAT[j,3]:=modp(agcrank(ptn),11): > od: > print(PMAT); [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] -6 5] [ ] [ [1, 1, 1, 1, 2] -4 7] [ ] [ [1, 1, 2, 2] -2 9] [ ] [ [2, 2, 2] 2 2] [ ] [ [1, 1, 1, 3] -3 8] [ ] [ [1, 2, 3] 1 1] [ ] [ [3, 3] 3 3] [ ] [ [1, 1, 4] -1 10] [ ] [ [2, 4] 4 4] [ ] [ [1, 5] 0 0] [ ] [ [6] 6 6] DISCUSSION: We compute the crank and crank mod 11 of each partition of 6 Observe there is exactly one partition for each reside of the crank mod 11 SEE ALSO: drank