FUNCTION: partitions[lamPD] - Lambda of partition into distinct parts CALLING SEQUENCE: lamPD(dptn) PARAMETERS: dptn - partition into distinct parts (sequence of increasing integers) SYNOPSIS: lamPD(dptn) = 0 if the two largest parts of dptn are consecutive otherwise equal to 1 NOTE: used in the computation of the overpartition crank EXAMPLES: > with(combinat): > with(partitions): > dptn8:=select(ptnDP,partition(8)); dptn8 := [[1, 3, 4], [1, 2, 5], [3, 5], [2, 6], [1, 7], [8]] > for ptn in dptn8 do > print(ptn, % %,lamPD(ptn)); > od: [1, 3, 4], % %, 0 [1, 2, 5], % %, 1 [3, 5], % %, 1 [2, 6], % %, 1 [1, 7], % %, 1 [8], % %, 1 DISCUSSION: Computed lambda of each of the 6 partitions of 8 into distinct parts SEE ALSO: overptncrank