FUNCTION: partitions[vecptnsC] - vector partitions with given crank class CALLING SEQUENCE: vecptnsC(n,k,t) PARAMETERS: n - positive integer t - positive integer k - residue mod t GLOBAL VARIABLES: SYNOPSIS: #GENERATES vector partitions of n with crank congruent to #k mod t EXAMPLES: > with(partitions): > V405:=vecptnsC(4,0,5); V405 := [[[], [1], [3]], [[], [1, 1], [1, 1]], [[], [2], [2]], [[], [3], [1]], [[1], [1], [2]], [[1], [2], [1]], [[2], [1], [1]], [[1, 3], [], []], [[4], [], []]] > nops(V405); 9 > add(vpw(vp), vp in V405); 1 DISCUSSION: There are 9 vector partitions of 4 with crank congruent to 0 mod 5 with total weight 1 SEE ALSO: vectptns, vpcrank, vpw