Maple qseries Package (Version 1.3)
Windows Installation Instructions

These instructions are for Windows (64 bit) and Maple 2015. If you are using a different version of Maple just change "2015" to whatever.
For the old version see qseries 1.2
  • STEP 1
    Create a Homelib directory for your maple lib (dotm) files.
    My directory is called mylib and is located here:
    This is what I did to create it:
    • Open command line (MSDOS)
    •  cd c:\cygwin\home\fgarvan\maple 
    •  mkdir mylib
    You should now have a new directory called mylib.
  • STEP 2
    Set up a maple.ini file. This file should be created in the directory:
    C:\Program Files\Maple 2015\Users
    and it should contain two lines of code resembling something like:
    libname := libname, Homelib:
    The value of Homelib should correspond to your Homelib. One way to do this is to use the following Maple worksheet. Now you should have a file maple.ini containing two lines of code.
  • STEP 3
    Download the file This file contains MAPLE code for setting up and saving the package. Save this file in a place where you keep your MAPLE programs. I saved it in a special directory:
    This program saves the qseries package in the mylib directory. If you want to save it in a different place you will need to edit the file.
  • STEP 4
    Install the qseries package. Start MAPLE and do something like the following.
    > currentdir();
    > #currentdir("H:\\maple\\mypackages\\qseries\\w-setup");
    > libname;
                "C:\Program Files\Maple 2015\lib", ".", 
    > read "wprog-qseries-08-12-2016-HOMEPC.txt":
    BEGIN qseries package
    THIS VERSION DATED Fri Aug 12 15:16:34 EDT 2016 
    TABLE TYPE qseries = true
    END qseries package
    You will need to change "C:....w-setup" to the appropriate place.
    This program saves package as a file qseries.mla in the mylib dir. See
  • STEP 5
    Exit MAPLE and restart it to test the package:
    > with(qseries);
    [aqprod, changes, checkmult, checkprod, etamake, etaq, findcong, 
      findhom, findhomcombo, findhomcombomodp, findhommodp, 
      findlincombo, findlincombomodp, findmaxind, findnonhom, 
      findnonhomcombo, findpoly, findprod, jac2prod, jac2series, 
      jacprod, jacprodmake, lqdegree, lqdegree0, mprodmake, oldsift, 
      packageversion, prodmake, qbin, qdegree, qetamake, qfactor, 
      qs2jaccombo, quinprod, sift, theta, theta2, theta3, theta4, 
      tripleprod, winquist, zqfactor]
    > packageversion();
    *  qseries package version 1.3  
    *  Fri Aug 12 15:07:08 EDT 2016 
    *  This version tested on MAPLE 2015
    *  Please report any problems to
    *  See 
    *  for documentation and help.
    *  Previous versions:
            1.3 - Aug 2016 (MAPLE 2015)
            1.2 - Dec 2012 (MAPLE 16)
            1.1 - Ju1 2012 (MAPLE 13)
            1.0 - Jun 2009 (MAPLE 10)
            0.9 - Apr 2008 (MAPLE 10)
            0.8 - May 2005 (MAPLE 9)
            0.7 - Mar 2004
            0.6 - Nov 2002
            0.5 - May 2000
            0.4 - Jan 2000
            0.3 - Nov 1999
            0.2 - Dec 1998
            0.1 - Dec 1997
    > x:=add(q^(n*(n+1)/2),n=0..20);
     210    190    171    153    136    120    105    91    78    66
    q    + q    + q    + q    + q    + q    + q    + q   + q   + q  
          55    45    36    28    21    15    10    6    3        
       + q   + q   + q   + q   + q   + q   + q   + q  + q  + q + 1
    > etamake(x,q,200);
                              eta(2 tau)   
                            q      eta(tau)
    > qetamake(x,q,200);
                                  / 2\ 
                                _E\q / 
    > P:=series(1/etaq(q,1,5001),q,5001):
    > findcong(P,5000);
                               [4, 5, 5]
                               [5, 7, 7]
                              [6, 11, 11]
                              [24, 25, 25]
                              [19, 49, 49]
                              [33, 49, 49]
                              [40, 49, 49]
                              [47, 49, 49]
    {[4, 5, 5], [5, 7, 7], [6, 11, 11], [19, 49, 49], [24, 25, 25], 
      [33, 49, 49], [40, 49, 49], [47, 49, 49]}
    Do you get this? See

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Created by F.G. Garvan ( on Saturday, August 13, 2016.
Last update made Mon Jun 19 14:48:51 CDT 2023.