Friday, July 12, 2019: MAPLECLOUD VERSION available.
Monday, July 23, 2012: released version 1.1 of the package.
New Functions:
  • findcong - find Ramanujan-type congruences for a given q-series
  • qdegree - degree in q of a given q-series
  • qs2jaccombo - convert to a sum of jacprods if possible
New Features:
  • jacprodmake - now takes 3 or 4 args. Can use 4th arg to test a given period (base). Can also handle case where coeff of q0 is not 1.
  • Updated installation instructions.
  • Added local vars where necessary.
  • There are also two new hidden functions periodfind2 and jacmake (which are used by updated jacprodmake function).

Monday, July 6, 2009: Added instructions for installing qseries package in Windows XP with Maple 11.
Monday, June 22, 2009: released version 1.0 of the package.
New Functions:
  • findlincombomodp - find a linear combination mod p
New Features:
  • qbin - can now handle q=root of unity
Bugs fixed:
  • findlincombo
  • Updated packageversion with new email address and homepage.
  • Local username changed from frank to fgarvan
    New email:
    New homepage:
  • Corrected typo in online help for findlincombo
> with(qseries);
[aqprod, changes, etamake, etaq, findhom, findhomcombo, findhomcombomodp,
    findhommodp, findlincombo, findlincombomodp, findnonhom, findnonhomcombo,
    findpoly, jac2prod, jac2series, jacprod, jacprodmake, mprodmake,
    packageversion, prodmake, qbin, qetamake, qfactor, quinprod, sift, theta,
    theta2, theta3, theta4, tripleprod, winquist, zqfactor]

Sunday, April 27, 2008: released version 0.9 of the package.
New Functions:
  • findlincombo - find a linear combination.
  • findhomcombomodp - modp version of findhomcombo
New Features:
  • Added FUNCTIONS page.
  • prodmake - can now handle symbolic exponents.
Bugs fixed:
  • findhomcombo and modp version (removed unnecessary etamake computation when etaoption=no)
  • findhomcombo (fixed case nops(L)=1)
  • findpoly
  • sift
  • In qetamake changed E(q) to _E(q)
> with(qseries);
[aqprod, changes, etamake, etaq, findhom, findhomcombo, findhomcombomodp,
    findhommodp, findlincombo, findnonhom, findnonhomcombo, findpoly, jac2prod,
    jac2series, jacprod, jacprodmake, mprodmake, packageversion, prodmake, qbin,
    qetamake, qfactor, quinprod, sift, theta, theta2, theta3, theta4, tripleprod,
    winquist, zqfactor]

Wednesday, May 18, 2005: released version 0.8 of the package.
(Version 0.7 was not released publicly)
New Functions:
  • packageversion - corresponds to old version function.
  • findhommodp - a mod p version of the findhom function.
  • mprodmake - generates a product of the form (1 + qn1) (1 + qn2) (1 + qn3) ...
  • qetamake - a version of the etamake function which returns products of using E(qm) instead of eta(m*tau).
> with(qseries);
[aqprod, changes, etamake, etaq, findhom, findhomcombo, findhommodp, findnonhom,

    findnonhomcombo, findpoly, jac2prod, jac2series, jacprod, jacprodmake,

    mprodmake, packageversion, prodmake, qbin, qetamake, qfactor, quinprod,

    sift, theta, theta2, theta3, theta4, tripleprod, winquist, zqfactor]


Tuesday, February 2004: released version 0.6 of the package.
New Functions:
  • changes - lists recent changes in package. See below.
  • zqfactor - factors into q-products with extra parameter z.
Bug fixes:
  • jac2series
> with(qseries);
[aqprod, changes, etamake, etaq, findhom, findhomcombo, findnonhom,

    findnonhomcombo, findpoly, jac2prod, jac2series, jacprod, jacprodmake,

    prodmake, qbin, qfactor, quinprod, sift, theta, theta2, theta3, theta4,

    tripleprod, version, winquist, zqfactor]

> changes();
`*  qseries package version 0.6  - Fri Nov 15 16:37:14 EST 2002`
`*  This version runs on Maple 7`
`*  Previous version was 0.5b - May 1997`
`*  Changes since version 0.5b:`
`*      *  fixed bug in jac2series        `
`*  Changes since version 0.5:`
`*      *  new function zqfactor          `
`*         Takes 4 or 5 args: `
`*         zqfactor(F,z,q,N,buglim) `
`*         zqfactor(F,z,q,N) `
`*            factors F into a product of terms `
`*            of the form (1 - a[i,j] z^i q^j).`
`*            Factor F into a product of terms (1 - a[i,j] z^i q^j)`
`*            N = largest j `
`*            buglim = max number of terms (default is 1000).`
`*  Changes since version 0.4:`
`*      *  prodmake now takes 3 or 4 args.`
`*         prodmake(f,q,t) returns a q-product.`
`*         prodmake(f,q,t,list) returns a q-product as a list of exponents.`
`*      *  new function changes() - returns changes since previous release.`
`*  Please report any problems to`
`*  See `
`* `
`*  for documentation and help.`

Monday June 19, 2000: posted MWS (Maple Worksheet) version of Tutorial.

Thursday January 13, 2000: released 0.4 of the package.
* Made a windows/dos version
* Fixed more bugs in qfactor function.
* Added version function, which naturally enough returns version number of the package. For example:
> with(qseries);
[aqprod, etamake, etaq, findhom, findhomcombo, findnonhom, findnonhomcombo,

    findpoly, jac2prod, jac2series, jacprod, jacprodmake, prodmake, qbin,

    qfactor, quinprod, sift, theta, theta2, theta3, theta4, tripleprod,

    version, winquist]

> version();
*  qseries package version 0.4 - Thu Jan 13 12:19:30 EST 2000
*  This version runs on Maple V - Release 5
*  Please report any problems to
*  See 
*  for documentation and help.

Thursday November 25, 1999: released version 0.3 of the package.
* Now works in Maple V Release 5. (Unfortunately this means it probably wont run on earlier versions)
* Some bugs fixed.
Tue Dec 29 11:29:03 EST 1998: released version 0.2 of package.
* Version 0.2 contains simplified installation instructions and some new functions such as qfactor which factorises a rational function into q-products when such a factorisation is possible.
* Some bugs in the setup program have been fixed.
* Programs tested on Maple V Release 4 and seem to work ok.
* This version will probably not run on Maple V Release 3.
December 12, 1997: released version 0.1 of the package.

The url of this page is
Created by F.G. Garvan ( on Thursday, November 25, 1999.
Last update made Fri Jul 12 10:49:41 EDT 2019.