Kagan Kursungoz

Affiliation: Pennsylvania State University

Email: kursun@math.psu.edu

Title Of Talk: Parity Considerations in Andrews-Gordon Identities

Abstract: In a recent paper, Andrews revisited his generating function for $b_{k, a}(m, n)$, the number of partitions of $n$ into $m$ parts, where no consecutive pair of integers together appear more than $k-1$ times, and 1 appears no more than $a-1$ times. He gave further refinements involving parity of occurences of parts. We will give a direct and purely combinatorial construction of the original generating function, and show how the refinements can be alternatively obtained. We will present the proof of a related conjecture of Andrews' as time allows.

Last update made Fri Feb 27 15:50:45 EST 2009.
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