Sander Zwegers

Affiliation: University College Dublin


Title Of Talk: Multivariable Appell functions and non-holomorphic modular forms

Abstract: Multivariable Appell functions are a generalization of both the Appell functions, which play an important role in the theory of Ramanujan's mock theta functions, and of the ordinary theta functions. General results for (normalized) level 1 Appell functions are know: the can be seen as the holomorphic parts of weight 1/2 harmonic Maass forms. For higher level Appell functions the situation is slightly more complicated, but they can still be seen as the holomorphic parts of certain non-holomorphic modular forms. In this talk we'll show how these multivariable Appell functions fit into the same picture.

Last update made Fri Feb 20 18:09:17 EST 2009.
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