George AndrewsAffiliation: Pennsylvania State University Email: Title Of Talk: Mock Theta Functions and Ramanujan's Lost Notebook Abstract: Bruce Berndt and I are working on the presenting Ramanujan's mock theta function discoveries in Volume V of the Lost Notebook. The last decade has seen much deep work on Ramanujan's mock theta functions. This began with Sander Zwegers's thesis, and numerous amazing results have been found, many by participants in this conference. Nonetheless, we are still a long way from understanding how Ramanujan came up with many of his results including the Mock Theta Conjectures (first proved by Hickerson). The primary object of this talk will be to draw attention to startling contrast between how Ramanujan appears to have thought about these functions as opposed to recent proofs of some of his formulas. We conclude with some related corollaries.
Last update made Wed Jul 11 16:05:40 EDT 2012.